Wellness and beauty of hair depends on many factors : age, sex, hormone production , nutrition , stress, blood flow , use of detergents , etc. ...
Some of these factors are beyond our control and others are the responsibility of medicine , but much depends on specific life choices and food hygiene .
For a proper hair hygiene is essential to use high quality products able to cleanse gently while fully respecting the physiology of hair. According to the principles of natural cosmetics, products that we offer in this section take into account the criteria seboaffinità , eudermicità , hypoallergenic , and effectiveness.
In particular , we offer products that use surfactants of vegetable origin ( sugars extracted from sugar cane , sugar beet, wheat and corn, combined with the fatty acids of coconut ) and completely avoid using detergents such as SLS ( sodium lauryl sulfate ) and SLES (Sodium Laurileteresolfato ) .
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