Aloe History and Properties
ALOE History Properties
ALOE: used 3,500 years old and not entirely known. ALOE VERA: The Return of the
plant of immortality In recent years there has been an increasing interest in
Aloe Vera although in Anglo-Saxon countries the Aloe was regularly used in
natural medicine since the early eighties. The more appropriate term to use is,
in fact, rediscovered as the Aloe has a long history of use as a healing plant
that takes us back in time for thousands of years. There are significant
evidence regarding the use of Aloe vera by humans dating back to 4,000 BC
(Egyptian Temple), to 2,100 BC (Sumerian tablet) and again to 1,550 BC (Papyrus
Ebers). Throughout history, Aloe was surrounded by an aura of mysticism and
sacredness in almost all civilizations and peoples that have used it, thus
reaching us today colorful anecdotal information. The importance that Aloe has
played in the past, it understands the ways in which it was called at the
various civilizations: Plant of Immortality (Egyptians); Silent healer (American
Indians); Desert Lily (Arab); Elixir of Jerusalem (Knights Templar). WHAT 'ALOE
VERA? The term Aloe will indicate over 360 different species of succulents.
While similar to a cactus, the Aloe belongs to the lily family as asparagus,
garlic, leek, onion, also plants with distinct and documented healing
properties. Aloe is native to the arid and sunniest areas of North Africa,
Spain, Indonesia, India, the Caribbean, Australia, Mexico and the southern US.
It looks like a juicy plant of considerable size (30-70 cm), with fleshy leaves
sword-shaped concave and but a little 'bent outwards, aculeate the edge,
gathered in the basal rosette. There are many widely known species of Aloe:
Aloe Barbadensis Miller (or real), A. Saponaria, A. arborescens, A. Ferox and
many more. But only a few are used for their therapeutic properties.
dissects a leaf of Aloe they can observe the main constituents. The main layers
are undoubtedly a tough outer covering (which serves the plant to protect
itself from attacks from the outside world and to retain the liquid by allowing
it to survive extreme environmental conditions), a rich film of anthraquinone
(or aloin), a thick gelatinous substance (which is the heart as well as the
plant nutrients).
Aloin And GEL: ACTIVE ALOE VERA. The leaf is the part of the plant that
contains the majority of the active substances even if one can not exclude that
these are present in other parts. The most significant are two active
substances: 1- The anthraquinone compounds now known as Aloin. 2- The gels. The
Aloin is a yellowish fluid composed of low molecular weight substances that has
the property to spread rapidly and cause often violent responses by the body.
For this reason it can damage some cellular mechanisms and even compromise them
permanently. The Aloin also has a certain bactericidal and fungicidal activity
(very aggressive and toxic to the entire body), but for these purposes, there
are other more effective and less toxic natural substances. The strong
stimulating action of bodily functions occurs in the intestine as a drastic
purgative action. The Aloin also has properties emmenagoghe but it is
short-term action, able to solve quotas and acute problems and not to
regularize the body. It also stimulates the production of PG2 and therefore
acts as inflammatory agent. In the selection of a Aloe juice or a gel for
external use, it is therefore advisable to make sure that the Aloin has been
removed correctly from the leaf during the machining process. The juicy leaf
Aloe is a kind of dispensation (a camel hump) that encompasses everything that
she needs to survive in extreme climates where water and nutrients essential to
life in short supply. This helps explain why the Aloe gel is so rich in valuable
substances. The main components are distinguished: 1- 99.4% Water. 2- Part
solid 0.6%. The gel is in fact a low fluid concentration of soluble solids; the
grass, to make a comparison, it contains at least 7-10%. The solid part (0.6%)
is composed of various substances, both low and high molecular weight. Among
the low molecular weight compounds are: 1- simple sugars (0.28%): are the main
component (almost 50% of the total). In detail: 95% glucose and 5% fructose. 2-
amino acids: they are at least 17 (possibly 20) different types. According to
some theories, the amino acid component contributes to tissue healing and
stimulates phagocytosis. In fact the presence of amino acids is quantitatively
too low because armies these functions. 3- minerals (0,103%): it is true that
Aloe Vera contains a very wide range of minerals but the amount of each mineral
is very low and therefore unlikely to play a significant role in the
therapeutic process so Aloe is appreciated. 4- plant hormones: they are
essentially of two types (Gibberellin and Indole-3-Acetic Acid or
"Auxin") and it was proved that stimulate growth and healing
processes in plant tissues and also in those animals. 5- salicylic acid is
present but in too small quantities to be active. 6- plant steroids: these
substances have anti-inflammatory action similar to steroids. To understand the
Aloe vera activities, the high molecular weight component is without doubt the
most significant. The most important compounds are: 1- polysaccharides: when
the plant is mature, the content of polysaccharide in the gel is equal to
0.0552% which corresponds to about 552 mg per liter (this increases in
concentrated products). The main sugars that constitute the polysaccharides are
glucose and mannose. The focus is mostly on a specific type of complex sugar:
glucomannan (or Acemannan). 2- glycoproteins: substances containing both
elements of the polysaccharides that the proteins. 3- organic acids (0.143%):
lactic acid, isocitric, malic, succinic. They are low molecular weight substances
but adhere to the high molecular weight components. 4- bradichininasi enzyme:
bradykinin is a substance consisting of a chain of amino acids which has the
effect of increasing the vascular permeability and, in this way, to favor the
inflammatory processes. The bradichininasi enzyme has the function of breaking
this substance, and then an anti-inflammatory; being a biocatalyst does not
need to be active in high amounts. An approximate system to measure the
effectiveness of the Aloe vera gel is to take as reference the content of
mucopolysaccharides (MPS) which roughly corresponds to the fraction of high
molecular weight. In fact this measurement is not accurate because even the low
molecular weight component has a certain biological activity.
THE THREE MAJOR FUNCTIONS VERA. The vast anecdotal surrounding the Aloe did
lose sight of the real mechanisms of action of the plant in favor of legendary
images in which the Aloe become a magic potion can solve all ills. The goal of
this chapter is to provide accurate scientific information, or at least
supported by a serious medical literature, from tests and experiments. The
three main functions performed from Aloe are: - an anti-inflammatory function -
healing function - immune Function From these, and especially by the action of
stimulation of the immune system, derive many benefits of various bodily
functions known as "cascade effect". ALOE AND ..
ACTION INFLAMMATORY And 'perhaps the most
documented function. Aloe gel has a gentle calming, soothing and refreshing on
inflamed tissues reducing pain. This happens regardless of the cause and the
nature of inflammation. We have excellent results both on an acute inflammation
of traumatic nature that of chronic inflammations of the skin and mucous
membranes. The same allergic reactions, which in their reactive phase always
have an inflammatory component react well to the administration / external
application of aloe gel. The natural anti-inflammatory action of the Aloe vera
is at least equal to that of the synthesis of steroid-based drugs, with the
advantage that it does not introduce unwanted substances in the body and does
not produce toxins. Moreover, as we shall see, Aloe vera also plays a
facilitating role of the immune system, absent in the common anti-inflammatory
drugs. In general all chronic diseases requiring steroid administration react
positively Aloe. The anti-inflammatory activity of Aloe vera has a purely
negative character, inhibitory. The substances responsible are: plant steroids:
the major limitation of anti-inflammatory drugs is to hinder the tissue healing
process. The scarring is indeed a different kind process and depends on the
multiplication of cells that restore the damaged tissues. Aloe vera is so
superior as it performs two functions: anti-inflammatory and healing. Plant
steroids are three: Hops (37%), beta-sitosterol (31.1%) and Campesterol
(24.2%). They work by depressing the synthesis of cholesterol in lymphocytes.
enzyme bradichininasi: inhibits the formation of a substance that stimulates inflammations.
inhibitor PG2: a third mode of action is inhibition of inflammatory agents such
as type 2 prostaglandins The cases where the anti-inflammatory action of Aloe
vera is important are: wounds, burns, frostbite, radiation injuries, trauma
sports, skin disease, extractions and dental care, gingivitis, the pharyngeal
disorders, hepatitis, peptic ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetes and related
complications, arthritis, inflammatory digestive system problems, insect bites,
post-surgical applications, erythema, lupus erythematosus, gout, dandruff,
muscle sprains, strains and myalgias.
ALOE ... AND HEALING ACTION Although complementary
anti-inflammatory action, the mechanisms in which the Aloe promotes healing of
the tissues are very different in nature, but not inhibitors of positive
stimulation of the cells used for the formation and tissue repair. This process
has various aspects in common with the immunostimulating action. Are at least
two ways in which the scarring is favored: n the active ingredients are to be
found in the fraction of high molecular weight and in particular in compounds
polysaccharides from mannose or glucomannan. They work by stimulating the
activity of macrophages, promoting the growth of cells and tissues as well as
the proliferation of fibroblasts and their activities. In particular
glucomannan interacts with special receptors on the surface of cells used for
the repair of damaged tissues. The glucomannan also acts by increasing the
synthesis of collagen. n the Aloe plant hormones accelerate the healing process
by stimulating cell reproduction. The cases in which the action healing Aloe
vera is important are the same where you want the anti-inflammatory action.
beneficial consequences of a strong and efficient immune system are many. Among
the cases in which the immune system plays an important role can be mentioned
cancers, systemic poisoning, autoimmune diseases, intestinal problems. There is
a constant relationship between those suffering from immune problems (such as
chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic candidiasis, HIV infections) and digestive
disorders. Although it is not yet established the current state of knowledge
for sure what the causal link, it is definitely established that poor digestion
is further undermining the immune activity. Aloe vera in addition to exert a
stimulus, promotes the normalization of the digestive functions. Another
important area in which the immune system is fundamental is that of allergies:
here is not so much the failure of the immune system because of their ability
to distinguish between harmful and not agents. Every day our defenses must
fight different types of bacteria, viruses, toxins and waste products that
accumulate in the body. One way in which the germs and toxins are eliminated is
phagocytosis and therefore anything that stimulates this process contributes to
the efficiency of the defenses of our organism. Aloe has said property, and
also in this case the immunostimulatory substance is glucomannan. Glucomannan
(also called Acemannan) plays a positive action by stimulating the receptors on
the surface of immune cells. In particular, it has two effects: - stimulation
of phagocytosis. - Promotion of cooperation between monocytes and T cells There
is a vast literature and case study that supports the immune function of Aloe
and shows that the stimulus intensity is proportional to the amount of Aloe
vera used and duration of treatment. The cases in which the action
immunostimulatory Aloe vera is important are: bacterial-viral-fungal
infections, arthritis, wounds, burns, hepatitis, indigestion, intestinal
problems, type 2 diabetes, skin problems (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.),
immunodeficiency conditions (chronic fatigue syndrome, systemic candidiasis,
HIV infection), acne, herpes, athlete's foot, warts, respiratory tract
infections, vaginitis, vaginal warts, anal itching, ulcers legs.
THE EFFECT OF A WATERFALL The rather superficial
information is now being made sull'Aloe gives the impression that this plant is
the panacea for all ills. In the foregoing it has tried to properly illustrate
the mode of action of Aloe and explain its usefulness in specific diseases and
symptoms. No doubt, however, the Aloe vera is responsible for the so-called "cascade"
effect, which consists of a series of secondary beneficial effects on all the
organic processes resulting more or less directly by the three major functions
of the plant and from their inevitable interrelations and synergies. Often it
claimed that Aloe vera has a cleansing effect, detoxifying, revitalizing and
energetic. Indeed stimulating phagocytosis favors the elimination of many toxic
substances and waste materials, thus establishing a progressive detoxification
process. The soothing, anti-inflammatory and healing the stomach and intestine
walls also results in a significant improvement in relieving digestive
functions many annoying symptoms, giving energy and increased vitality. In
fact, the energetic effect of Aloe vera is not so much by the contribution of
nutrients that, as we have seen, is quantitatively small, since the ability to
stimulate important physiological functions.
LITERATURE where aloe vera is used regularly for years successfully. WOUNDS AND
INJURIES The use of aloe vera gel speeds healing by 50%. This includes skin
lesions, mucous membranes, and also the source but chronic non-traumatic
injuries. In these cases you should first identify and remove the cause of the
lesion and then proceed to treat the tissue. We also have very significant
results with burns from radiation and heat. LEG ULCERS AND DERMATOSIS The leg
ulcers are treated very well with the Aloe gel. Results were also registered in
cases of dermatitis, psoriasis, seborrhea, acne and alopecia using the pure gel
or cosmetic products (soap, shampoo, creams, lotions) consisting of a high
percentage of pure Aloe vera gel (at least 70% ). DIABETES Aloe vera has shown
a marked hypoglycemic effect and contributes to the resolution of various
complications of diabetes. A study carried out on patients suffering from
diabetes - non insulin dependent - shows that there has been a reduction in the
rate of glucose to 273 mg / dL before treatment to 151 mg / dl after the
treatment, with the insulin levels unchanged. This is interpreted as an
effective capacity of Aloe Vera by improving the response of tissues to the
insulin that already circulates in the blood. Peptic ulcer and 'this one of the
most widespread applications of Aloe vera. In fact, the regular intake of juice
leads in most cases to a complete cure. It 'important to a Japanese study of 12
patients who used the aloe gel as the only remedy (1963). After one year of
treatment 100% of patients were cured. With regard to this problem (and many
others) will feel the intense hostility of the pharmaceutical companies, who
sell as active ingredients of synthetic molecules have no economic incentive to
recognize or to promote a natural substance and therefore not patentable.
assumption of 170 ml of gel (about 45 ml of concentrated juice 4: 1), divided
into three different moments of the day, for a period of 7 days in a sample of
patients who had not made other changes to their diet and lifestyle, led to
these results: 1.- 40% reduction of putrefaction and greater assimilation of
proteins. 2.- Improvement of the composition of the intestinal bacterial flora
(it is important to note that this result was achieved without the use of
lactic acid bacteria or similar supplements, Aloe is able to create un'habitat
ideal for survival and proliferation of healthy bacteria). 3. Reduction of the
specific gravity of the feces equal to 0.37 units, thus approaching the value
of those considered ideal. This indicates a greater retention capacity for
water from the fecal content and a more rapid intestinal transit. Did not occur
no case of diarrhea demonstrating that Aloe has not properly distillate
laxative effect. The more rapid intestinal transit was interpreted as an
improvement of digestive muscle tone. 4.- Spoken reducing gastric acidity
indicated by a rise of the gastrointestinal pH of 1.88; of course this effect
is beneficial in all cases of hyperacidity. Also it emerged from the study that
the subjects in which the pH varied more significantly were those who were
already suffering from hyperacidity. These data help us understand the role of
Aloe vera in diseases such as gastric and duodenal ulcers.
TREATMENT AND DETOX Aloe vera plays purifying
action is that detoxification. Also in this case it is a positive process,
stimulation of the immune defenses and for the improvement of digestive
functions. In particular, the mechanisms that are activated are: 1.- Aloe vera
stimulates phagocytosis, or promotes the action of some defensive cells of the
body. Through phagocytosis, they are deleted viruses, bacteria, but also
dangerous harmful substances including toxins, dead cells and waste products.
2.- Aloe vera stimulates cell metabolism (promotes cell growth, urges protein
synthesis and construction materials). 3. Aloe vera stimulates digestion
(improves the absorption, reduces bacteria and putrefactive activities,
regulates the intestinal pH, gives life to the functionality of the pancreas
and intestines, promotes eubiosis).
act as a germicide, however, is very useful in cases of infection. The
literature reports of significant improvements in subjects with viral
infections as Aloe increases the body's ability to resist infections. Several
studies are still underway at the time, but there is one very significant on
the AIDS virus. Was conducted in 1990 on 29 patients with full-blown AIDS is administered
Aloe vera juice + EFAs: the result was a significant improvement of immune
status. The experiment lasted six months and patients were subjected to
laboratory examination in 30-60-90-180 days of treatment: all turned improved
the ninetieth day and 27 of them evidenziarono further improvement at the end
of treatment. Their quality of life measured by the method Karnosky, passed
initial dall'8,97% to 92.41% at the end of treatment. Glucomannan aloe is
undoubtedly the most important substance and indicated to an understanding of
the charitable work of the plant. From studies and laboratory experiments show
that exposure to glucomannan protects the white blood cells from virus attacks.
The reproduction of the virus is also slowed as the degree of infectivity.
diseases in which it is plausible to assume that the use of aloe gel can have
positive results. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS having a strong autoimmune component and
an inflammatory, it is clear that aloe might be helpful. Crohn's disease is
manifested by a strong inflammation and a bad functioning of the intestines,
especially the small intestine. E 'implied the status of the immune system
efficiency. HYPERTHYROIDISM iridology highlight a similarity between inflammatory
conditions. Although speculative, it can be said that the anti-inflammatory
action of Aloe can also be useful to those suffering from hyperthyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism has also also immune character lapels. ALLERGIC CONDITIONS
because it normalizes the immune system function and reduces inflammation Aloe
vera can be used in cases of allergy. Of course the underlying cause of allergy
should be removed. DISORDERS LIVER there are two studies on the effectiveness
of Aloe in cases of cirrhosis as favoring the regeneration of the liver.
Currently the Aloe is used in the treatment of severe and chronic LIVER
the term to indicate the juice of aloe vera gel to be used internally while the
gel-term for the same product to be used topically. A JUICE OF GOOD QUALITY
'should possess the following characteristics: - ORGANIC CERTIFICATION (as
official body): Aloe vera is a succulent plant that holds within itself all
that it receives from outside and therefore any unwanted substances. - PROPER
PROCESSING: Cold and hand. - NO aloin - NOT PATORIZZAZIONE: pasteurization
would damage the delicate polysaccharides that are responsible for much of the
plant's properties. - Concentration mode: being Aloe vera formed to over 99.4%
water, PREFER A PRODUCT CONCENTRATE so that the amount of active ingredients is
greater. It 'important that the concentration takes place in a natural way, on
large medium-low temperature stoves and not with chemical solvents, although
the latter procedure is much cheaper. - PROTECTIVE BOTTLE: Aloe vera is
extremely sensitive, so be chosen products with non-transparent bottles. DOSAGE
AND METHOD 'FOR USE INTERNAL USE: according to product quality, on average
about 40/60 ml to EXTERNAL USE: Pure gels or creams (high concentration of
Aloe). Irrigations Coloniche: user support internally. synergistic action: aloe
develops important synergies with other plants and natural substances. Even in
this case are commercially available Aloe vera juice to which herbs are added
to detoxifying action and immunostimulant or herbs for soothing and healing
action. "Aloe: used 3,500 years, but still not completely known"
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