Plants Admitted in Supplements 1
thallus thallus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Regularity of intestinal transit . Balance of body weight.
Emollient and soothing ( urinary tract ) .
chrysantellum americanum Vatke herba herba : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Digestiva.Funzione liver function .
CHRYSANTHEMUM Balsamita FSAD . capitula , folium , herba capitula , folium , herba : digestive function . Epatica.Eliminazione function of intestinal gas . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation. Balsamic effect .
Chrysophyllum Caimito L. fructus fructus : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
cibotium barometz (L.) J. SM . folium CICHORIUM ENDIVA L. folium folium : digestive and hepatobiliary function .
Cichorium intybus L. radix, radix summitas : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of the transit intestinal normal volume and consistency of stools . Prebiotic : balance of intestinal flora . summitas : digestive function .
Cichorium intybus L. var . foliosum HEGI folium folium : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
CIMIClFUGA RACEMOSA NUTT . WARNING rhizoma ADDITIONAL : " Do not exceed the amount recruitment indicated . For the use of the product and for the duration of its intake is recommended to consult your doctor. the product should not be still used in dysfunction or disease liver . " rhizoma : Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function .
Cinchona calisaya WEDD . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona Cordifolia MUT . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona Lancifolia MUT . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona LEDGERIANA MOENST . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona P. micrantha Cortex Cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona NITIDA P. cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona Officinalis L. cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona PERUVIAN HOW . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona PITAYENSIS WEDD . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona SUCCIRUBR.A PAV . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA (L.) J. Presl cortex , folium , lignum , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Function of the respiratory tract.
Cinnamomun CASSIA cortex , folium , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit .
CINNAMOMUM ZEYLANICUM BLUME . cortex , folium , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Cirsium arvense SCOP . herba , radix radix : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Drainage of body fluids.
Cissus alata JACQ . folium , herba folium , herba : Trofismo of the skin.
Cistanche Salsa (C. A. MEY . ) BECK caulis Cistus L. Incánus folium , herba , radix, folium gummi , gummi : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . herba : Antioxidant . Function of the respiratory tract.
Cistus ladaniferus L. gummi gummi : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Cistus MONSPELLIENSIS L. gummi gummi : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Citrullus lanatus ( Thunb. ) Matsum . et NAKAI var . lanatus fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids.
CITRUS aurantifolia SWINGLE fructus , aetheroleum fructus : Regularity of transit intestinale.Funzione digestiva.Funzione impairment. Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection. Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Citrus aurantium L. var . AMARA flos , folium , fructus , fructus immaturus , pericarpium , aetheroleum 1 . Should be indicated in label titration synephrine in 2 . The maximum intake of synephrine must not exceed 30 mg / day , corresponding to approximately 800 mg of Citrus aurantium standardized to 4 % in synephrine 3 . The maximum intake of octopamine, as index of the presence of other natural amine , should not exceed 1/8 of what of synephrine . WARNING ADDITIONAL For fructus , fructus immaturus , pericarpium , aetheroleum : flos , aetheroleum former floribus : Relaxation and mental well-being . Digestive function. Elimination of gas bowel . fructus : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . fructus immaturus : Balance of body weight. Stimulus metabolic and lipid metabolism. Digestive function. adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarp ex : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. " We do not recommend the use of product pregnancy, during the lactation and under the age of 12 . Check with your doctor before use if terms non- cardiovascular are the norm. "
CITRUS BERGAMIA RISSO & Poit . Succus (ex Fructibus ) CITRUS LIMON BURM . F. ramorum cortex ( bark of the branches ) , pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
CITRUS MAXIMA ( Burm. ) MERR . ( syn. CITRUS L. Decumana / Shatinyu Osbeck ) flos , folium , pericarpium , pericapium semen , semen : Antioxidant . Functionality micrcocircolo . Drainage of body fluids.
CITRUS NOBILIS LOUR . pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Citrus reticulata L. pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. fluidity of bronchial secretions. Relaxation and mental well-being .
Citrus sinensis L. var . DULCIS flos , folium , pericarpium , aetheroleum former floribus pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas .
CITRUS x PARADISI MACFAD . pericapium , pericapium semen , semen : Antioxidant . Functionality micrcocircolo . Drainage of body fluids.
CLADONIA pyxidata FR . thallus thallus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
CLADONIA Rangiferina WEB . thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Clitoria ternatea L. radix, radix semen , semen : Memory and cognitive functions. Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension
Cnicus BENEDICTUS L. folium , fructus , herba c . floribus , summitas folium , herba c floribus , summitas : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Elimination of intestinal gas . fluidity of bronchial secretions.
cochleria Officinalis L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Functions purifying the body. Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Cocos nucifera L fructus , oleum fructus , oleum : Trofismo of the skin. Support action and tonic.
Codonopsis pilosula NANNFELD flos herba , Radix Radix : tonic - adaptogen .
Coffea arabica L. semen semen : Tonic and metabolic support . Antioxidant .
Coix LACRYMA - JOBI L. semen Cola acuminata semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
SCHOTT et ENDL . COLA NITIDA SCHOTT et ENDL . semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Stimulation of metabolism.
COLLINSONIA Canadensis L. radix radix : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the digestive system .
Combretum Micranthum DON . folium folium : digestive and hepatobiliary function .
Combretum SUNDAICUM MIQ . folium , herba folium , herba : Relaxation (sleep).
Commelina TUBEROSA L. herba COMMIPHORA ENGL abyssinica . gummi gummi resin : Wellbeing of nose and throat.
COMMIPHORA AFRICAN ENGL . gummi gummi resin : Wellbeing of nose and throat.
COMMIPHORA Molmol ENGL . gummi gummi resin : Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa . Functionality of the digestive system .
COMMIPHORA Mukul HOOK oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Lipid metabolism . Tropism and functionality of the skin. Balance of body weight.
COMMIPHORA MYRRHA ENGL . oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa . Functionality of the digestive system .
COMMIPHORA OPOBALSAMUM ENGL . fructus , lignum , oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Antioxidant .
COMMIPHORA SCHIMPERI ENGL . oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa . Functionality of the digestive system .
Convolvulus ARVENSIS L. folium , folium herba : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq . ( Sy. Erygeron canadensis) herba , herba summitas , summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. functions purifying the body.
Copaifera Guyanensis FSAD . balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Copaifera Langsdorfii FSAD . balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Coprinus comatus sporophorum coptis JAPONICA MAKINO radix Coptis Teeta WALL . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function .
coptis trifolia Salisb . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function .
REEF Officinalis L. thallus thallus : Functions purifying the body. Functionality of the digestive system . Prebiotic : balance of intestinal flora . CORDIA myxa L. fructus fructus : Hepatic function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Joint function . Antioxidant .
Cordyceps ( syn. Paecilomyces hepiali mushroom spawn , mushroom spawn, sporophorum , sporophorum : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Natural defenses. Tonic and support metabolism.
Chen ) Coriandrum SATIVUM L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Carbohydrate metabolism. Antioxidant .
Cornus florida L. radicibus cortex cortex ex ex radicibus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Regularity of the process of sweating. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Cornus mas L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
CORNUS OFFICINALIS SIEB . ET Zucc . fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
Cornus sanguinea L. fructus , fructus gem : Antioxidant .
Coronopus squamatus Aschers . herba CORRIGIOLA TELEPHIIFOLIA Pourr . radix radix : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of liquids body . Tropism of the skin. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Corylus avellana L. fructus , gem fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Regularity of sweating process .
COSCINIUM FENESTRATUM HUMMINGBIRD . rhizoma rhizoma : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Costus speciosus MS. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids.
Cotinus coggygria SCOP . cortex cortex : Hepatic function . Regularity of sweating process . Well-being of the view.
Crambe L. MARITIMA folium , fructus CRATAEGUS azarolus L. flos , flos folium , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS CURVISEPALA LIND . flos , flos folium , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS LAEVlGATA DC flos , flos folium , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS MONOGYNA JACQ . flos , folium , sùrculi ( young shoots ) flos , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS NIGRA WALD . ET KIT . flos , flos c . foliis , folium flos , flos c . foliis , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . Regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS oxyacantha Medicus flos , folium , sùrculi ( young shoots ) , fructus flos , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure. fructus : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Antioxidant .
CRATAEGUS PENTAGYNA W. K. ET flos , flos c . foliis , folium flos , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
Crescentia cujete L. fructus fructus : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function.
Crithmum Maritimum L. herba herba : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Drainage of body fluids.
Crocus sativus L. stigmata stigmata : digestive function . Normal mood. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
CROTON ELUTERIA SW. cortex cortex : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process . fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Cucumis melo L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Tropism of the skin.
Cucumis sativus L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Drainage of body fluids. Tropism of the skin.
Cucurbita maxima DUCHESNE flos , fructus , semen , semen oleum , oleum : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
Cucurbita pepo L. flos , fructus fructus , flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Cucurbita pepo L. var . MELOPEPO (L.) HARZ . flos , fructus fructus , flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Cucurbita pepo L. var . oleifera PIETSCH semen , semen oleum , oleum : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
Cuminum cyminum L. fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders menstrual cycle.
CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS L. Conus, folium , galbuli , lignum , aetheroleum former galbuli conus : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Function of the microcirculation . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Digestive function. Liver function. galbuli , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Liver function.
TURMERIC HOME Valeton ( syn Curcuma longa L.) rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the digestive system . Antioxidant . Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
CURCUMA XANTHORRHIZA Roxb . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the digestive system . Antioxidant . Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
TURMERIC zedoaria ROSC . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the digestive system . Antioxidant . functionality articolare.Contrasto of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Cuscuta L. EPITHYMUS herba herba : digestive function . Hepatic function .. Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
Cuscuta Europaea L. herba herba : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
CUSPARIA OFFICINALIS HANC . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of intestinal transit .
CUSPARIA trifoliata ENG . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
cyamopsis Tetragonoloba (L.) TAUB . ( GUAR ) semen semen : Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption and facilitation of satiety .
CYCLANTERA PEDATA SCHARD ( Caigua ) fructus fructus : Regularity of blood pressure. Metabolism of carbohydrates and cholesterol . Digestive function. wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
CYDONIA oblonga MILL . fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Cymbopogon Citratus Stapf . folium , herba , rhizoma , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cymbopogon Flexuosus Stapf . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum herba , summitas : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Cymbopogon laniger PERR . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum herba : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being
Cymbopogon Martini WATS folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cymbopogon Nardus Rendl . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cymbopogon SCHOENANTHUS (L.) Spreng . var . MOTIA folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum herba : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Cymbopogon WINTERlANUS JOW . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cynara cardunculus L. capitula , folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. functionality articular .
CYNARA scolymus L. capitula , folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Elimination of intestinal gas . Purifying functions of the organism. metabolism of lipids. Antioxidant . capitula : digestive function . Epatica.Drenaggio function of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Cynodon dactylon PERS. rhizoma rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
CYPERUS LONGUS L. radix radix : digestive function .
CYPERUS rotundus L. radix radix : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Digestive function.
CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS Willd. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Relaxation (in case of stress) ; mental well-being .
Cytinus hypocistis L. Succus inspissitus Succus inspissitus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
DACTYLIS GLOMERATA L. fructus , herba , summitas fructus , herba , summitas : Antioxidant . Joint function .
Daemonorops DRACO BLUME fructus , fructus resin , resin : Regularity of intestinal transit . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Daemonorops JENKINSIANA ( GRIFF. ) MART . germen Daemonorops Propinquus BECC . resin DAHLIA PINNATA CAV. ( syn DAHLIA variabilis ( Willd. ) FSAD . ) radix radix : prebiotic effect . Regularity of intestinal transit
Danais FRAGRANS commers former radicibus cortex , cortex arboris Daucus carota L. radix radix : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Elimination of intestinal gas . Digestive function. Well-being of the view.
DAVILLA RUGOSA POIR . folium folium : Functionality of the digestive system .
SOPHIA Descurainia WEBB . herba , herba semen , semen : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Adjust functionality of cardiovascular . Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids.
DESMODIUM Adscendens ( Sw.) D.C. folium folium : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Joint function . Liver function.
DIANTHUS CARYOPHYLLUS L. flos flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process .
DICENTRA canadensis WALD . tuber tuber : Functions purifying the body. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
DICENTRA cucullaria BERNH . tuber tuber : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
DICYPELLIUM CARYOPHYLLATUM ( Mart. ) NEES . cortex , cortex lignum , lignum : digestive function . Dioscorea alata L. tuber tuber : digestive function . Liver function. Joint function . Drainage of body fluids. Contrast disorders menstrual cycle. Functionality of the digestive system .
Dioscorea COMPOSITE Hemsl . rhizoma rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders of menopause. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function .
Dioscorea opposita THUM . radix, rhizoma rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders of menopause. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function . Dioscorea villosa L. radix, rhizoma rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders of menopause. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function . Diospyros kaki L. f . fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Antioxidant : welfare vision .
Diospyros VIRGINIANA L. fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
DIOTIS candidissima FSAD . herba herba : Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Regularity of sweating process .
Diplotaxis ssp. herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Antioxidant .
Diplotaxis tenuifolia DC herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Antioxidant .
Dipsacus fullonum L. radix radix : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process .
Dipterocarpus ALATUS Roxb . balsamum Dorema Ammoniacum D. DON . gummi gummi resin , resin : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
doronicum PARDALIANCHES L. herba , radix radix : Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Relaxation and mental well-being .
doronicum Plantagineum L. herba , radix radix : Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Dorstenia CONTRAJERVA L. radix radix : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Liver function.
Dracocephalum Moldavica L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
dracunculus VULGARIS SCHOTT . ( syn. ARUM dracunculus L.) rhizoma DRIMYS WlNTERI Forst . arboris cortex cortex arboris : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of the process of sweating.
DROSERA anglica HUDSON herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
INTERMEDIATE DROSERA Hayne herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
DROSERA peltata Thunb . herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
DROSERA RAMENTACEA BURCH herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
Dunaliella salina E.C. TEODORESCO thallus thallus : Well-being of the view. Support action and tonic. Tropism and functionality of the skin.
DURIO zibethinus L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Functionality of the digestive system .
Durvillea ANTARCTICA ( CHAMISSO ) HARIOT syn. FUCUS antarticus CHAMISSO thallus thallus : Balance of body weight. Stimulation of metabolism. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
DYSOXYLUM loureiri PIERRE aetheroleum aetheroleum : Drainage of body fluids. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system .
ECHINACEA Angustifolia DC . herba , radix herba , radix : Natural defenses. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Echinacea pallida BRITTON herba , radix herba , radix : Natural defenses. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Antioxidant .
Echinacea purpurea Moench . herba , radix herba , radix : Natural defenses. Functional urinary tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Echium Plantagineum L. oleum oleum : Metabolism of lipids ( triglycerides). Integrity and functionality of the cell membranes . Tropism and functionality of the skin. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function .
Eisenia bicyclis ( Kjellman ) Setchell ( syn. Ecklonia bicyclis KIELLMAN ) thallus Elaeis guineensis JACQ . fructus , oleum fructus , oleum : Feature joint . Contrast of localized states of tension . Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection.
Elettaria cardamomum WHITE MASON et semen , semen aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial .
ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS MAXIM . radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Natural defenses. Memory and cognitive function .
Elymus repens GOULD . rhizoma rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
Enteromorpha spp. thallus EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Prostate function .
EPILOBIUM Parviflorum Scherb . herba herba : Functionality of the prostate.
Equisetum arvense L. gem , herba herba : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair.
EQUISETUM Fluviatile L. herba herba : Trofismo of the connective tissue . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Well-being of nails and hair.
EQUISETUM hyemale L. herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair.
EQUISETUM TELMATEJA Ehrh . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair.
ERICA L. CINEREA flos , folium c . floribus flos , folium c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Natural defenses. Function of the respiratory tract. memory and cognitive functions.
Erigeron canadensis L. ( syn. Conyza Canadensis (L.) Cronquist ) herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. purifying functions organism.
loquat ( Thunb. ) Lindl. fructus fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Welfare of the throat. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Eriodictyon Californicum TOR. folium , herba , summitas folium : Effect balsamic . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Erodium cicutarium L ' Herit . herba , radix, summitas c . floribus summitas c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Erodium moschatum L ' Herit . herba herba : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
Eruca sativa Mill. folium , herba folium , herba : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Eryngium COUNTRY L. herba , radix radix : digestive function . Liver function. Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . drainage bodily fluids .
Eryngium PRAEALTUM A. GRAY radix radix : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
erythraea CENTAURIUM L. ( syn. CENTAURIUM Erythraea Rafn . ) herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process .
erythraea CHILENSIS PERS. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function .
erythraea spicata PERS. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function .
Erythroxylum CATUABA A. J. SILVA former RAYM. - HAMET cortex cortex : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Eschscholtzia CALIFORNICA CHAM . flos , herba , summitas , Radix herba : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress)
EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA HOOK cortex , flos , folium , lignum , aetheroleum cortex , flos , folium , lignum , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone voice.
EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS Labill . flos , folium , fructus , lignum , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
EUCALYPTUS ODORATA B. et SCH . folium , folium lignum , lignum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
EUCALYPTUS smithii BAKER folium , lignum , aetheroleum folium , lignum , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
Eucarya spicata SPRAGUE -SUM . lignum , lignum aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract. Balsamic effect . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
EUCHEUMA horridum Agardh . thallus EUCHEUMA SPICIFORME Agardh . thallus Eucheuma spinosum Agardh . thallus Eucommia ulmoides OLIVIER cortex , cortex sine subere ( aubier ) cortex , cortex sine subere ( aubier ) : Regularity of blood pressure. Drainage of body fluids.
EUGENIA Chequen GOP. folium , herba folium , herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
EUGENIA uniflora L. cortex , flos , folium cortex , flos , folium : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant .
EUPHORIA Longana LAM . semen semen : Antioxidant . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process .
EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS L.s.l. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
EUPHRASIA stricta D. WOLF . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Euterpe oleracea MART . fructus , germen germen : Antioxidant . Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Regularity of intestinal transit .
EXOSTEMA CARIBAEUM SCHULT . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Carbohydrate metabolism.
EXOSTEMA FLORIBUNDUM ROEM -S. cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process .
FABIANA IMBRICATA R. and P. cortex , folium , herba , lignum cortex , folium , herba , lignum : Control of gastric acidity . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Digestive function. Liver function.
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench folium , flos , fructus , folium , flos : Functionality of the microcirculation . Functionality of the venous circulation . Adjust functionality of cardiovascular . Regularity of blood pressure.
Fagus sylvatica L. gem , pix pix : Control of gastric acidity . Regularity of sweating process . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
FERULA ASSA FOETIDA L. radix, gummi gummi : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . relaxation and mental well-being .
FERULA galbaniflua BOISS -B . gummi gummi resin , resin : Elimination of intestinal gas . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
FERULA narthex BOlSS -B . gummi gummi resin , resin : Elimination of intestinal gas . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation and mental well-being .
FERULA PERSICA Willd. gummi gummi resin , resin : Feature joint .
FERULA Sümbül HOOK F. radix radix : Relaxation and mental well-being . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
FICUS anthelmintica MART . latex latex : Functionality of the digestive system .
Ficus benghalensis L. cortex , fructus , latex cortex , fructus , latex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Tropism of the skin.
Ficus carica L. folium , bud, folium latex , latex : digestive function . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Regularity of intestinal transit .
FICUS CYSTOPODA MIQ . arboris arboris cortex cortex : Functionality of the digestive system .
Ficus elastica Roxb . latex Ficus religiosa L. cortex , folium , semen , resin cortex , folium , resin, semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Contrast disorders menstrual cycle.
FlLlPENDULA ulmaria MAX . flos , folium , herba , radix, summitas flos , folium , herba , summitas : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Joint function . function digestion. Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of sweating process .
FlLlPENDULA VULGARIS Moench . flos , folium , herba , summitas , Radix flos , folium herba , summitas , radix : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Joint function . Digestive function. Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of sweating process .
Foeniculum vulgare MILL . fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of liquids body . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Fomes fomentarius FR . sporophorum Fomes IGNARIUS L. sporophorum FORTUNELLA spp. fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Welfare of the throat.
FRAGARIA x ananassa DUCHESNE former ROZIER fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
FRAGRARIA VESCA L. folium , fructus , fructus : Antioxidant .
FRAXlNUS EXCELSIORlUS L. cortex , folium , folium gem : Feature joint . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of intestinal transit . cortex : Functionality joint . Regularity of sweating process .
FRAXlNUS ORNUS L. folium , folium manna : Feature joint . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . manna : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools .
FUCUS serratus L. thallus thallus : Balance of body weight. Stimulation of metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Bladderwrack L. thallus thallus : Balance of body weight. Stimulation of metabolism. Lipid metabolism. Joint function . action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
CHIMNEY OFFICINALIS L. folium , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Purifying functions of the organism. Tropism and functionality of the skin. Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of the skin) .
Galega officinalis L. folium , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Drainage of body fluids. Balance of body weight. Galattagoga function .
Galeopsis segetum NECKER herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair. Digestive function.
GALIPEA CUSPARIA L. cortex cortex : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Regularity of intestinal transit .
GALIUM aparine L. flos , herba c . floribus , summitas flos , herba c . floribus , summitas : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. purifying functions organism.
GALIUM cruciata SCOP . flos , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
GALIUM mollugo L. summitas summitas : Drainage of body fluids.
woodruff SCOP . folium , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function . Epatica.Rilassamento function (sleep). Drainage of body fluids.
GALIUM VERUM L. flos , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
Ganoderma lucidum ( Curtis ) P. KARST . ( RHEISHI ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
GARCINIA CAMBODIA ( GAERNT ) DESR . fructus , fructus resin - gummi , gummi - resin : Lipid metabolism . Balance of body weight. Checking the direction of hunger.
GARCINIA Mangostana L. pulpa pulpa fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
GARDENIA JASMINOlDES ELLIS flos , fructus , fructus radix : Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection.
garrya RACEMOSA RAMIREZ cortex , cortex folium , folium : digestive function . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Gaultheria Procumbens L. folium , herba folium : Feature joint . Digestive function.
GENTIANA acaulis radix radix : bittering .
Gentiana lutea L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
Gelidium AMANSII J.V. LAMOUROUX thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools . Modulation / limiting, of nutrients.
GERANIUM Maculatum L. herba , radix, rhizoma herba , radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit. Functionality of the digestive system . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
GERANIUM PRATENSE L.herba herba : Trofismo of the skin. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
GERANIUM Robertianum L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
GERANIUM Rotundifolium L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
GERANIUM Sanguineum L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
GEUM RIVAL L. herba , radix, summitas herba , radix, summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Digestive function.
GEUM urbanum L. herba , radix, summitas herba , radix, summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Ginkgo biloba L. folium , gem WARNING ADDITIONAL : " If you are taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents , consult your doctor before taking the product. it is not recommended the use of the product in during pregnancy and breast-feeding. " folium : Antioxidant . Memory and cognitive function . Normal blood circulation. Function of the microcirculation .
GLYCINE MAX (L.) MERR . semen , semen germinatus The daily intake of isoflavones, to be given in label , must not exceed 80 mg . semen , semen germinatus : Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Lipid metabolism.
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat. functionality articular .
GNAPHALIUM A. uliginosum RICH herba herba : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Tonic. ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Regularity of the pressure blood .
GOSSYPIUM Herbaceum L. radix, pilus , radix semen , semen : Disorders of the menstrual cycle . Gracilaria spp. thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools . Modulation / limiting, of nutrients.
GRIFFONIA Simplicifolia ( DC. ) Baill . semen semen : Normal mood. Relaxation ( sleep) and mental well-being . Checking the direction of hunger.
Grifola frondosa ( DICKS. ) GRAY ( Maitake ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
Grifola UMBELLATA PERS. sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
grindelia HUMILIS HOOK et RA. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functional upper respiratory tract.
Grindelia robusta NUTT . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functional upper respiratory tract.
Grindelia squarrosa DUN . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing : oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functional upper respiratory tract.
Guajacum OFFICINALE L. lignum , lignum resin , resin : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection.
Guajacum SANCTUM L. lignum , lignum resin , resin : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of liquids of corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract.
GUAZUMA ulmifolia LAMK . cortex , cortex fructus , fructus : Regularity of blood pressure. Antioxidant . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system , urinary tract )
Gymnema sylvestre R. BR . folium , latex, radix folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Checking the direction of hunger.
Gynostemma PENTAFILLUM ( Thunb. ) MAKINO herba herba : Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Liver function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system .
GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA L. radix radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism.
GYPSOPHILA ROKEJEKA DEL. radix radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow thallus thallus : Antioxidant .
HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA L. cortex , cortex folium , folium : Functionality of the venous circulation ( functionality of the hemorrhoidal plexus ) . Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant .
HAPLOPAPPUS BAYLAHUEN REMY folium , herba folium , herba : Hepatic function . Antioxidant . Digestive function.
HARPAGOPHYTUM Procumbens DC . radix radix : Feature joint . Digestive function.
HARUNGANA madagascariensis LAM . former POIRET cortex , cortex folium , folium : Regularity of sweating process . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Hedeoma Pulegioides PERS. folium , herba c . floribus , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba c . floribus , summitas , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. function digestion. Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Hedera helix L . folium folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
HEDICHIUM coronarium KOENIG flos flos : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Helianthus annuus L. folium , ligule , semen folium , ligula : Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Digestive function. Elimination of gas bowel . semen : Action emollient and soothing mucous membranes
HELIANTHUS Tuberosus L. tuber tuber : Prebiotic : balance of intestinal flora .
HELICHRYSUM Arenarium Moench . flos , herba c . floribus , summitas flos : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids.
HELICHRYSUM DON italicum . herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function . Liver function. Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . functionality the microcirculation.
HELICHRYSUM Stoechas Moench . herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Digestive function. function impairment.
HERACLEUM Sphondylium L. herba herba : digestive function . Toning and metabolic support .
Hericium erinaceus sporophorum Herniaria GLABRA L. herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Herniaria hirsuta L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Hesperis matronalis L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. flos flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Antioxidant . Regularity of blood pressure. Function of the respiratory tract.
Hieracium MURORUM L. herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Hieracium pilosella L. herba , radix herba : Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Hierochloe ODORATA WAHL . herba herba : Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Welfare of the throat. tropism of skin.
Himanthalia Elongata (L.) S. GRAY thallus thallus : Relaxation (sleep). Contrast of localized states of tension
HIPPOPHAE Rhamnoides L. fructus , bud, oleum fructus , oleum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Support action and tonic. tropism and functionality of the skin.
Hizikia fusiformis ( HARVEY ) OKAMURA thallus Hordeum spp. semen , fructus germinatus ( malt ) semen : supporting action and tonic. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . fructus germinatus ( malt ) : supporting action and tonic.
Humulus lupulus L. strobilus strobilus : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Digestive function.
HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS L. rhizoma rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
Hydrocotyle Vulgaris L. herba herba : Functions purifying the body. Drainage of body fluids.
Hygrophila HEINE AURICOLATA folium , radix, semen folium , radix, semen : Feature joint . Drainage of body fluids ( heavy legs ) . Airway function tract. Liver function. Carbohydrate metabolism.
chrysantellum americanum Vatke herba herba : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Digestiva.Funzione liver function .
CHRYSANTHEMUM Balsamita FSAD . capitula , folium , herba capitula , folium , herba : digestive function . Epatica.Eliminazione function of intestinal gas . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation. Balsamic effect .
Chrysophyllum Caimito L. fructus fructus : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
cibotium barometz (L.) J. SM . folium CICHORIUM ENDIVA L. folium folium : digestive and hepatobiliary function .
Cichorium intybus L. radix, radix summitas : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of the transit intestinal normal volume and consistency of stools . Prebiotic : balance of intestinal flora . summitas : digestive function .
Cichorium intybus L. var . foliosum HEGI folium folium : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
CIMIClFUGA RACEMOSA NUTT . WARNING rhizoma ADDITIONAL : " Do not exceed the amount recruitment indicated . For the use of the product and for the duration of its intake is recommended to consult your doctor. the product should not be still used in dysfunction or disease liver . " rhizoma : Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function .
Cinchona calisaya WEDD . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona Cordifolia MUT . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona Lancifolia MUT . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona LEDGERIANA MOENST . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona P. micrantha Cortex Cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona NITIDA P. cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona Officinalis L. cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona PERUVIAN HOW . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona PITAYENSIS WEDD . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cinchona SUCCIRUBR.A PAV . cortex cortex : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of the process of sweating.
CINNAMOMUM CAMPHORA (L.) J. Presl cortex , folium , lignum , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Function of the respiratory tract.
Cinnamomun CASSIA cortex , folium , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit .
CINNAMOMUM ZEYLANICUM BLUME . cortex , folium , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Cirsium arvense SCOP . herba , radix radix : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Drainage of body fluids.
Cissus alata JACQ . folium , herba folium , herba : Trofismo of the skin.
Cistanche Salsa (C. A. MEY . ) BECK caulis Cistus L. Incánus folium , herba , radix, folium gummi , gummi : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . herba : Antioxidant . Function of the respiratory tract.
Cistus ladaniferus L. gummi gummi : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Cistus MONSPELLIENSIS L. gummi gummi : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Citrullus lanatus ( Thunb. ) Matsum . et NAKAI var . lanatus fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids.
CITRUS aurantifolia SWINGLE fructus , aetheroleum fructus : Regularity of transit intestinale.Funzione digestiva.Funzione impairment. Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection. Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Citrus aurantium L. var . AMARA flos , folium , fructus , fructus immaturus , pericarpium , aetheroleum 1 . Should be indicated in label titration synephrine in 2 . The maximum intake of synephrine must not exceed 30 mg / day , corresponding to approximately 800 mg of Citrus aurantium standardized to 4 % in synephrine 3 . The maximum intake of octopamine, as index of the presence of other natural amine , should not exceed 1/8 of what of synephrine . WARNING ADDITIONAL For fructus , fructus immaturus , pericarpium , aetheroleum : flos , aetheroleum former floribus : Relaxation and mental well-being . Digestive function. Elimination of gas bowel . fructus : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . fructus immaturus : Balance of body weight. Stimulus metabolic and lipid metabolism. Digestive function. adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarp ex : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. " We do not recommend the use of product pregnancy, during the lactation and under the age of 12 . Check with your doctor before use if terms non- cardiovascular are the norm. "
CITRUS BERGAMIA RISSO & Poit . Succus (ex Fructibus ) CITRUS LIMON BURM . F. ramorum cortex ( bark of the branches ) , pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
CITRUS MAXIMA ( Burm. ) MERR . ( syn. CITRUS L. Decumana / Shatinyu Osbeck ) flos , folium , pericarpium , pericapium semen , semen : Antioxidant . Functionality micrcocircolo . Drainage of body fluids.
CITRUS NOBILIS LOUR . pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Citrus reticulata L. pericarpium , aetheroleum pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. fluidity of bronchial secretions. Relaxation and mental well-being .
Citrus sinensis L. var . DULCIS flos , folium , pericarpium , aetheroleum former floribus pericarpium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas .
CITRUS x PARADISI MACFAD . pericapium , pericapium semen , semen : Antioxidant . Functionality micrcocircolo . Drainage of body fluids.
CLADONIA pyxidata FR . thallus thallus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
CLADONIA Rangiferina WEB . thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Clitoria ternatea L. radix, radix semen , semen : Memory and cognitive functions. Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of localized states of tension
Cnicus BENEDICTUS L. folium , fructus , herba c . floribus , summitas folium , herba c floribus , summitas : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Elimination of intestinal gas . fluidity of bronchial secretions.
cochleria Officinalis L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Functions purifying the body. Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Cocos nucifera L fructus , oleum fructus , oleum : Trofismo of the skin. Support action and tonic.
Codonopsis pilosula NANNFELD flos herba , Radix Radix : tonic - adaptogen .
Coffea arabica L. semen semen : Tonic and metabolic support . Antioxidant .
Coix LACRYMA - JOBI L. semen Cola acuminata semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
SCHOTT et ENDL . COLA NITIDA SCHOTT et ENDL . semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Stimulation of metabolism.
COLLINSONIA Canadensis L. radix radix : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the digestive system .
Combretum Micranthum DON . folium folium : digestive and hepatobiliary function .
Combretum SUNDAICUM MIQ . folium , herba folium , herba : Relaxation (sleep).
Commelina TUBEROSA L. herba COMMIPHORA ENGL abyssinica . gummi gummi resin : Wellbeing of nose and throat.
COMMIPHORA AFRICAN ENGL . gummi gummi resin : Wellbeing of nose and throat.
COMMIPHORA Molmol ENGL . gummi gummi resin : Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa . Functionality of the digestive system .
COMMIPHORA Mukul HOOK oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Lipid metabolism . Tropism and functionality of the skin. Balance of body weight.
COMMIPHORA MYRRHA ENGL . oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa . Functionality of the digestive system .
COMMIPHORA OPOBALSAMUM ENGL . fructus , lignum , oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Antioxidant .
COMMIPHORA SCHIMPERI ENGL . oleum - oleum - gummi gummi - resin - resin : Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa . Functionality of the digestive system .
Convolvulus ARVENSIS L. folium , folium herba : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq . ( Sy. Erygeron canadensis) herba , herba summitas , summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. functions purifying the body.
Copaifera Guyanensis FSAD . balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Copaifera Langsdorfii FSAD . balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Coprinus comatus sporophorum coptis JAPONICA MAKINO radix Coptis Teeta WALL . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function .
coptis trifolia Salisb . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function .
REEF Officinalis L. thallus thallus : Functions purifying the body. Functionality of the digestive system . Prebiotic : balance of intestinal flora . CORDIA myxa L. fructus fructus : Hepatic function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Joint function . Antioxidant .
Cordyceps ( syn. Paecilomyces hepiali mushroom spawn , mushroom spawn, sporophorum , sporophorum : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Natural defenses. Tonic and support metabolism.
Chen ) Coriandrum SATIVUM L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Carbohydrate metabolism. Antioxidant .
Cornus florida L. radicibus cortex cortex ex ex radicibus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Regularity of the process of sweating. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Cornus mas L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
CORNUS OFFICINALIS SIEB . ET Zucc . fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
Cornus sanguinea L. fructus , fructus gem : Antioxidant .
Coronopus squamatus Aschers . herba CORRIGIOLA TELEPHIIFOLIA Pourr . radix radix : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of liquids body . Tropism of the skin. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Corylus avellana L. fructus , gem fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Regularity of sweating process .
COSCINIUM FENESTRATUM HUMMINGBIRD . rhizoma rhizoma : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Costus speciosus MS. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids.
Cotinus coggygria SCOP . cortex cortex : Hepatic function . Regularity of sweating process . Well-being of the view.
Crambe L. MARITIMA folium , fructus CRATAEGUS azarolus L. flos , flos folium , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS CURVISEPALA LIND . flos , flos folium , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS LAEVlGATA DC flos , flos folium , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS MONOGYNA JACQ . flos , folium , sùrculi ( young shoots ) flos , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS NIGRA WALD . ET KIT . flos , flos c . foliis , folium flos , flos c . foliis , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . Regularity of blood pressure.
CRATAEGUS oxyacantha Medicus flos , folium , sùrculi ( young shoots ) , fructus flos , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure. fructus : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Antioxidant .
CRATAEGUS PENTAGYNA W. K. ET flos , flos c . foliis , folium flos , folium : Regular function of the cardiovascular system . Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant . regularity of blood pressure.
Crescentia cujete L. fructus fructus : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function.
Crithmum Maritimum L. herba herba : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Drainage of body fluids.
Crocus sativus L. stigmata stigmata : digestive function . Normal mood. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
CROTON ELUTERIA SW. cortex cortex : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process . fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Cucumis melo L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Tropism of the skin.
Cucumis sativus L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Drainage of body fluids. Tropism of the skin.
Cucurbita maxima DUCHESNE flos , fructus , semen , semen oleum , oleum : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
Cucurbita pepo L. flos , fructus fructus , flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Cucurbita pepo L. var . MELOPEPO (L.) HARZ . flos , fructus fructus , flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Cucurbita pepo L. var . oleifera PIETSCH semen , semen oleum , oleum : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
Cuminum cyminum L. fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders menstrual cycle.
CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS L. Conus, folium , galbuli , lignum , aetheroleum former galbuli conus : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Function of the microcirculation . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Digestive function. Liver function. galbuli , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Liver function.
TURMERIC HOME Valeton ( syn Curcuma longa L.) rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the digestive system . Antioxidant . Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
CURCUMA XANTHORRHIZA Roxb . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the digestive system . Antioxidant . Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
TURMERIC zedoaria ROSC . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Functionality of the digestive system . Antioxidant . functionality articolare.Contrasto of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Cuscuta L. EPITHYMUS herba herba : digestive function . Hepatic function .. Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
Cuscuta Europaea L. herba herba : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
CUSPARIA OFFICINALIS HANC . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of intestinal transit .
CUSPARIA trifoliata ENG . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
cyamopsis Tetragonoloba (L.) TAUB . ( GUAR ) semen semen : Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption and facilitation of satiety .
CYCLANTERA PEDATA SCHARD ( Caigua ) fructus fructus : Regularity of blood pressure. Metabolism of carbohydrates and cholesterol . Digestive function. wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
CYDONIA oblonga MILL . fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Cymbopogon Citratus Stapf . folium , herba , rhizoma , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cymbopogon Flexuosus Stapf . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum herba , summitas : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Cymbopogon laniger PERR . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum herba : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being
Cymbopogon Martini WATS folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cymbopogon Nardus Rendl . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cymbopogon SCHOENANTHUS (L.) Spreng . var . MOTIA folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum herba : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being .
Cymbopogon WINTERlANUS JOW . folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of the process of sweating.
Cynara cardunculus L. capitula , folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. functionality articular .
CYNARA scolymus L. capitula , folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Elimination of intestinal gas . Purifying functions of the organism. metabolism of lipids. Antioxidant . capitula : digestive function . Epatica.Drenaggio function of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Cynodon dactylon PERS. rhizoma rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
CYPERUS LONGUS L. radix radix : digestive function .
CYPERUS rotundus L. radix radix : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Digestive function.
CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS Willd. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Relaxation (in case of stress) ; mental well-being .
Cytinus hypocistis L. Succus inspissitus Succus inspissitus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
DACTYLIS GLOMERATA L. fructus , herba , summitas fructus , herba , summitas : Antioxidant . Joint function .
Daemonorops DRACO BLUME fructus , fructus resin , resin : Regularity of intestinal transit . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Daemonorops JENKINSIANA ( GRIFF. ) MART . germen Daemonorops Propinquus BECC . resin DAHLIA PINNATA CAV. ( syn DAHLIA variabilis ( Willd. ) FSAD . ) radix radix : prebiotic effect . Regularity of intestinal transit
Danais FRAGRANS commers former radicibus cortex , cortex arboris Daucus carota L. radix radix : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Elimination of intestinal gas . Digestive function. Well-being of the view.
DAVILLA RUGOSA POIR . folium folium : Functionality of the digestive system .
SOPHIA Descurainia WEBB . herba , herba semen , semen : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Adjust functionality of cardiovascular . Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids.
DESMODIUM Adscendens ( Sw.) D.C. folium folium : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Joint function . Liver function.
DIANTHUS CARYOPHYLLUS L. flos flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process .
DICENTRA canadensis WALD . tuber tuber : Functions purifying the body. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
DICENTRA cucullaria BERNH . tuber tuber : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
DICYPELLIUM CARYOPHYLLATUM ( Mart. ) NEES . cortex , cortex lignum , lignum : digestive function . Dioscorea alata L. tuber tuber : digestive function . Liver function. Joint function . Drainage of body fluids. Contrast disorders menstrual cycle. Functionality of the digestive system .
Dioscorea COMPOSITE Hemsl . rhizoma rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders of menopause. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function .
Dioscorea opposita THUM . radix, rhizoma rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders of menopause. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function . Dioscorea villosa L. radix, rhizoma rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast disorders of menopause. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function . Diospyros kaki L. f . fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Antioxidant : welfare vision .
Diospyros VIRGINIANA L. fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
DIOTIS candidissima FSAD . herba herba : Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Regularity of sweating process .
Diplotaxis ssp. herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Antioxidant .
Diplotaxis tenuifolia DC herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Antioxidant .
Dipsacus fullonum L. radix radix : digestive function . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process .
Dipterocarpus ALATUS Roxb . balsamum Dorema Ammoniacum D. DON . gummi gummi resin , resin : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
doronicum PARDALIANCHES L. herba , radix radix : Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Relaxation and mental well-being .
doronicum Plantagineum L. herba , radix radix : Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Dorstenia CONTRAJERVA L. radix radix : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Liver function.
Dracocephalum Moldavica L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
dracunculus VULGARIS SCHOTT . ( syn. ARUM dracunculus L.) rhizoma DRIMYS WlNTERI Forst . arboris cortex cortex arboris : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of the process of sweating.
DROSERA anglica HUDSON herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
INTERMEDIATE DROSERA Hayne herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
DROSERA peltata Thunb . herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
DROSERA RAMENTACEA BURCH herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
Dunaliella salina E.C. TEODORESCO thallus thallus : Well-being of the view. Support action and tonic. Tropism and functionality of the skin.
DURIO zibethinus L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Functionality of the digestive system .
Durvillea ANTARCTICA ( CHAMISSO ) HARIOT syn. FUCUS antarticus CHAMISSO thallus thallus : Balance of body weight. Stimulation of metabolism. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
DYSOXYLUM loureiri PIERRE aetheroleum aetheroleum : Drainage of body fluids. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system .
ECHINACEA Angustifolia DC . herba , radix herba , radix : Natural defenses. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Echinacea pallida BRITTON herba , radix herba , radix : Natural defenses. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Antioxidant .
Echinacea purpurea Moench . herba , radix herba , radix : Natural defenses. Functional urinary tract. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Echium Plantagineum L. oleum oleum : Metabolism of lipids ( triglycerides). Integrity and functionality of the cell membranes . Tropism and functionality of the skin. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Joint function .
Eisenia bicyclis ( Kjellman ) Setchell ( syn. Ecklonia bicyclis KIELLMAN ) thallus Elaeis guineensis JACQ . fructus , oleum fructus , oleum : Feature joint . Contrast of localized states of tension . Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection.
Elettaria cardamomum WHITE MASON et semen , semen aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial .
ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS MAXIM . radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Natural defenses. Memory and cognitive function .
Elymus repens GOULD . rhizoma rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
Enteromorpha spp. thallus EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Prostate function .
EPILOBIUM Parviflorum Scherb . herba herba : Functionality of the prostate.
Equisetum arvense L. gem , herba herba : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair.
EQUISETUM Fluviatile L. herba herba : Trofismo of the connective tissue . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Well-being of nails and hair.
EQUISETUM hyemale L. herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair.
EQUISETUM TELMATEJA Ehrh . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair.
ERICA L. CINEREA flos , folium c . floribus flos , folium c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Natural defenses. Function of the respiratory tract. memory and cognitive functions.
Erigeron canadensis L. ( syn. Conyza Canadensis (L.) Cronquist ) herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. purifying functions organism.
loquat ( Thunb. ) Lindl. fructus fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Welfare of the throat. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Eriodictyon Californicum TOR. folium , herba , summitas folium : Effect balsamic . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Erodium cicutarium L ' Herit . herba , radix, summitas c . floribus summitas c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Erodium moschatum L ' Herit . herba herba : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
Eruca sativa Mill. folium , herba folium , herba : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Eryngium COUNTRY L. herba , radix radix : digestive function . Liver function. Elimination of intestinal gas . Regularity of intestinal transit . drainage bodily fluids .
Eryngium PRAEALTUM A. GRAY radix radix : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
erythraea CENTAURIUM L. ( syn. CENTAURIUM Erythraea Rafn . ) herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process .
erythraea CHILENSIS PERS. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function .
erythraea spicata PERS. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : digestive function .
Erythroxylum CATUABA A. J. SILVA former RAYM. - HAMET cortex cortex : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Eschscholtzia CALIFORNICA CHAM . flos , herba , summitas , Radix herba : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress)
EUCALYPTUS CITRIODORA HOOK cortex , flos , folium , lignum , aetheroleum cortex , flos , folium , lignum , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone voice.
EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS Labill . flos , folium , fructus , lignum , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
EUCALYPTUS ODORATA B. et SCH . folium , folium lignum , lignum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
EUCALYPTUS smithii BAKER folium , lignum , aetheroleum folium , lignum , aetheroleum : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice.
Eucarya spicata SPRAGUE -SUM . lignum , lignum aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract. Balsamic effect . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
EUCHEUMA horridum Agardh . thallus EUCHEUMA SPICIFORME Agardh . thallus Eucheuma spinosum Agardh . thallus Eucommia ulmoides OLIVIER cortex , cortex sine subere ( aubier ) cortex , cortex sine subere ( aubier ) : Regularity of blood pressure. Drainage of body fluids.
EUGENIA Chequen GOP. folium , herba folium , herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function.
EUGENIA uniflora L. cortex , flos , folium cortex , flos , folium : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant .
EUPHORIA Longana LAM . semen semen : Antioxidant . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process .
EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS L.s.l. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
EUPHRASIA stricta D. WOLF . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
Euterpe oleracea MART . fructus , germen germen : Antioxidant . Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Regularity of intestinal transit .
EXOSTEMA CARIBAEUM SCHULT . cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process . Carbohydrate metabolism.
EXOSTEMA FLORIBUNDUM ROEM -S. cortex cortex : Regularity of sweating process .
FABIANA IMBRICATA R. and P. cortex , folium , herba , lignum cortex , folium , herba , lignum : Control of gastric acidity . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Digestive function. Liver function.
Fagopyrum esculentum Moench folium , flos , fructus , folium , flos : Functionality of the microcirculation . Functionality of the venous circulation . Adjust functionality of cardiovascular . Regularity of blood pressure.
Fagus sylvatica L. gem , pix pix : Control of gastric acidity . Regularity of sweating process . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
FERULA ASSA FOETIDA L. radix, gummi gummi : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . relaxation and mental well-being .
FERULA galbaniflua BOISS -B . gummi gummi resin , resin : Elimination of intestinal gas . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
FERULA narthex BOlSS -B . gummi gummi resin , resin : Elimination of intestinal gas . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation and mental well-being .
FERULA PERSICA Willd. gummi gummi resin , resin : Feature joint .
FERULA Sümbül HOOK F. radix radix : Relaxation and mental well-being . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
FICUS anthelmintica MART . latex latex : Functionality of the digestive system .
Ficus benghalensis L. cortex , fructus , latex cortex , fructus , latex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Tropism of the skin.
Ficus carica L. folium , bud, folium latex , latex : digestive function . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Regularity of intestinal transit .
FICUS CYSTOPODA MIQ . arboris arboris cortex cortex : Functionality of the digestive system .
Ficus elastica Roxb . latex Ficus religiosa L. cortex , folium , semen , resin cortex , folium , resin, semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Contrast disorders menstrual cycle.
FlLlPENDULA ulmaria MAX . flos , folium , herba , radix, summitas flos , folium , herba , summitas : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Joint function . function digestion. Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of sweating process .
FlLlPENDULA VULGARIS Moench . flos , folium , herba , summitas , Radix flos , folium herba , summitas , radix : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Joint function . Digestive function. Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of sweating process .
Foeniculum vulgare MILL . fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of liquids body . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Fomes fomentarius FR . sporophorum Fomes IGNARIUS L. sporophorum FORTUNELLA spp. fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Welfare of the throat.
FRAGARIA x ananassa DUCHESNE former ROZIER fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
FRAGRARIA VESCA L. folium , fructus , fructus : Antioxidant .
FRAXlNUS EXCELSIORlUS L. cortex , folium , folium gem : Feature joint . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of intestinal transit . cortex : Functionality joint . Regularity of sweating process .
FRAXlNUS ORNUS L. folium , folium manna : Feature joint . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . manna : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools .
FUCUS serratus L. thallus thallus : Balance of body weight. Stimulation of metabolism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Bladderwrack L. thallus thallus : Balance of body weight. Stimulation of metabolism. Lipid metabolism. Joint function . action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
CHIMNEY OFFICINALIS L. folium , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive and hepatobiliary function . Purifying functions of the organism. Tropism and functionality of the skin. Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of the skin) .
Galega officinalis L. folium , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Drainage of body fluids. Balance of body weight. Galattagoga function .
Galeopsis segetum NECKER herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Tropism of the connective tissue. Well-being of nails and hair. Digestive function.
GALIPEA CUSPARIA L. cortex cortex : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process . Regularity of intestinal transit .
GALIUM aparine L. flos , herba c . floribus , summitas flos , herba c . floribus , summitas : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. purifying functions organism.
GALIUM cruciata SCOP . flos , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
GALIUM mollugo L. summitas summitas : Drainage of body fluids.
woodruff SCOP . folium , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function . Epatica.Rilassamento function (sleep). Drainage of body fluids.
GALIUM VERUM L. flos , herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
Ganoderma lucidum ( Curtis ) P. KARST . ( RHEISHI ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
GARCINIA CAMBODIA ( GAERNT ) DESR . fructus , fructus resin - gummi , gummi - resin : Lipid metabolism . Balance of body weight. Checking the direction of hunger.
GARCINIA Mangostana L. pulpa pulpa fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
GARDENIA JASMINOlDES ELLIS flos , fructus , fructus radix : Relaxation and mental well-being . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection.
garrya RACEMOSA RAMIREZ cortex , cortex folium , folium : digestive function . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Gaultheria Procumbens L. folium , herba folium : Feature joint . Digestive function.
GENTIANA acaulis radix radix : bittering .
Gentiana lutea L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : digestive function . Liver function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
Gelidium AMANSII J.V. LAMOUROUX thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools . Modulation / limiting, of nutrients.
GERANIUM Maculatum L. herba , radix, rhizoma herba , radix, rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit. Functionality of the digestive system . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
GERANIUM PRATENSE L.herba herba : Trofismo of the skin. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids.
GERANIUM Robertianum L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
GERANIUM Rotundifolium L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
GERANIUM Sanguineum L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
GEUM RIVAL L. herba , radix, summitas herba , radix, summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Digestive function.
GEUM urbanum L. herba , radix, summitas herba , radix, summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Ginkgo biloba L. folium , gem WARNING ADDITIONAL : " If you are taking anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents , consult your doctor before taking the product. it is not recommended the use of the product in during pregnancy and breast-feeding. " folium : Antioxidant . Memory and cognitive function . Normal blood circulation. Function of the microcirculation .
GLYCINE MAX (L.) MERR . semen , semen germinatus The daily intake of isoflavones, to be given in label , must not exceed 80 mg . semen , semen germinatus : Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Lipid metabolism.
Glycyrrhiza glabra L. radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat. functionality articular .
GNAPHALIUM A. uliginosum RICH herba herba : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Tonic. ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Regularity of the pressure blood .
GOSSYPIUM Herbaceum L. radix, pilus , radix semen , semen : Disorders of the menstrual cycle . Gracilaria spp. thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools . Modulation / limiting, of nutrients.
GRIFFONIA Simplicifolia ( DC. ) Baill . semen semen : Normal mood. Relaxation ( sleep) and mental well-being . Checking the direction of hunger.
Grifola frondosa ( DICKS. ) GRAY ( Maitake ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
Grifola UMBELLATA PERS. sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
grindelia HUMILIS HOOK et RA. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functional upper respiratory tract.
Grindelia robusta NUTT . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functional upper respiratory tract.
Grindelia squarrosa DUN . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Effect balsamic . Emollient and soothing : oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functional upper respiratory tract.
Guajacum OFFICINALE L. lignum , lignum resin , resin : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. functionality urinary tract infection.
Guajacum SANCTUM L. lignum , lignum resin , resin : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of liquids of corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract.
GUAZUMA ulmifolia LAMK . cortex , cortex fructus , fructus : Regularity of blood pressure. Antioxidant . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system , urinary tract )
Gymnema sylvestre R. BR . folium , latex, radix folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Checking the direction of hunger.
Gynostemma PENTAFILLUM ( Thunb. ) MAKINO herba herba : Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Liver function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. adjust functionality of the cardiovascular system .
GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA L. radix radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism.
GYPSOPHILA ROKEJEKA DEL. radix radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow thallus thallus : Antioxidant .
HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA L. cortex , cortex folium , folium : Functionality of the venous circulation ( functionality of the hemorrhoidal plexus ) . Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant .
HAPLOPAPPUS BAYLAHUEN REMY folium , herba folium , herba : Hepatic function . Antioxidant . Digestive function.
HARPAGOPHYTUM Procumbens DC . radix radix : Feature joint . Digestive function.
HARUNGANA madagascariensis LAM . former POIRET cortex , cortex folium , folium : Regularity of sweating process . Liver function. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Hedeoma Pulegioides PERS. folium , herba c . floribus , summitas , aetheroleum folium , herba c . floribus , summitas , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. function digestion. Regularity of sweating process . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Hedera helix L . folium folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
HEDICHIUM coronarium KOENIG flos flos : Feature joint . Regularity of sweating process . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Helianthus annuus L. folium , ligule , semen folium , ligula : Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Digestive function. Elimination of gas bowel . semen : Action emollient and soothing mucous membranes
HELIANTHUS Tuberosus L. tuber tuber : Prebiotic : balance of intestinal flora .
HELICHRYSUM Arenarium Moench . flos , herba c . floribus , summitas flos : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids.
HELICHRYSUM DON italicum . herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : digestive function . Liver function. Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . functionality the microcirculation.
HELICHRYSUM Stoechas Moench . herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Digestive function. function impairment.
HERACLEUM Sphondylium L. herba herba : digestive function . Toning and metabolic support .
Hericium erinaceus sporophorum Herniaria GLABRA L. herba c . floribus , summitas herba c . floribus , summitas : Drainage of body fluids and function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Herniaria hirsuta L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Hesperis matronalis L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. flos flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Antioxidant . Regularity of blood pressure. Function of the respiratory tract.
Hieracium MURORUM L. herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Hieracium pilosella L. herba , radix herba : Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Hierochloe ODORATA WAHL . herba herba : Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Welfare of the throat. tropism of skin.
Himanthalia Elongata (L.) S. GRAY thallus thallus : Relaxation (sleep). Contrast of localized states of tension
HIPPOPHAE Rhamnoides L. fructus , bud, oleum fructus , oleum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Support action and tonic. tropism and functionality of the skin.
Hizikia fusiformis ( HARVEY ) OKAMURA thallus Hordeum spp. semen , fructus germinatus ( malt ) semen : supporting action and tonic. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . fructus germinatus ( malt ) : supporting action and tonic.
Humulus lupulus L. strobilus strobilus : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Digestive function.
HYDRANGEA ARBORESCENS L. rhizoma rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Prostate function .
Hydrocotyle Vulgaris L. herba herba : Functions purifying the body. Drainage of body fluids.
Hygrophila HEINE AURICOLATA folium , radix, semen folium , radix, semen : Feature joint . Drainage of body fluids ( heavy legs ) . Airway function tract. Liver function. Carbohydrate metabolism.
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