GALICIAN Galega officinalis (aerial part Bloom) "C" promotes lactation The name derives from Galega GALA milk, needle injection Family of Fabacee, Papilonacee, Pulses alkaloids, galegina, galagina, guanidine, idrossigalegina, galuteolina, derived flavones in the flowers, saponins, tannins, salts of chromium, vitamin C 100 ml bottle Directions for u..
Tinctures and Gemmo Derivatives

Rubble of GEMS
The use of soaked gems is relatively recent. It's only a few decades, in fact , since the Belgian Pol Henry understood the significance of using these preparations for human welfare . Our company was established producing Gemmoderivati applying the criteria in the French Pharmacopoeia . But proceed in order to explain what they are and how to implement the soaked gems. I soaked gems are designed to recreate the human body healthy balance , tissue extracts using fresh vegetables in the process of accretion . These embryonic tissues (buds, young sprouts , etc. ..) are very active because they maintain the right of the original total anabolic plant cell of the plant . It is able to achieve the full potential of the plant itself , a characteristic that differentiated adult cells no longer have . We can grasp the scope and value of these products, if we understand the significance of the tree for the same idea: " The tree is the most massive proliferation and the whole plant to the light of its leaves has the largest area of contact with the atmosphere. The tree is the largest factory photosynthetic and his bud is the best summary of its adaptation to the largest embryo production. " (Pol Henry) .
Hydroalcoholic solution :
With this definition we refer to the line of dye (obtained from dried plant in prim. 1:5) and tinctures ( made with fresh plant in prim. 1:10)
Warning: The news, information and anything shown on these pages are indicative and are provided for informational purposes only and not medical. In case of problems related to your health please contact a specialist. Making self-care and self, without first advice of a professional can be dangerous.

GALLIUM Gallium Aparine 100ml
GALLIUM Gallium aparine flowering plant Physiological effect: promotes drainage of body fluids, the functionality of the urinary tract and purifying the organism FUNCTIONS Recommended dosage: 40 drops 2 times a day diluted in water Package of 100 ml Uses Benefits of cleavers The attaccamani acts as a cleansing tonic and go purifying plant Releasin..

GEMMOART Pack: 100 ml Ingredients: Pinus mugo (diamonds), vitis vinifera (diamonds), ribes nigrum (gems) Physiological purposes: Assists the physiological functions of the osteoarticular system favors the functionality and integrity of bones and cartilage. It promotes the physiological functions of the joints. Recommended dose: One drop per kg of ..

GEMMOFLOR Pack: 100 ml Ingredients: Mountain cranberry and grows (young sprouts), ficus carica (diamonds), Tilia tomentosa (diamonds), Juglans regia (gems) Physiological purposes: The product supports the physiological functions that regulate the integrity of the intestinal mucosa and bowel function, favoring the balance of intestinal flora. Membe..

GEMMOPRO Pack: 100 ml Ingredients. Sequoia gigantea (young sprouts), ribes nigrum (diamonds), mountain cranberry and grows (young sprouts) Physiological purposes: The product supports the physiological functions of the adrenal glands by promoting the recovery of strength and a sense of well being. Supports the physiological functions that regulate..

GEMMOVA Pack: 100 ml Ingredients: Pedunculate Quercus (diamonds), mountain cranberry and grows (young sprouts), Betula pubescens (gems) Physiological purposes: The product supports the physiological functions of the adrenal glands and the intestine, promoting bowel movements and by strengthening the body. Recommended dose: 50 to 75 drops in water ..

Gentian Tm
Gentian Tm Gentian Pack of 100ml Suggestions: 20 to 40 drops or as medical advice, 2-3 times a day in a little water...

Ginkgo Biloba GD
Ginkgo Biloba GD GINKGO BILOBA Pack of 100ml Recommended dose: 50 drops 3 times a day diluted in water...

Greater Drops
Major Drops SAPIENTE MIX OF LOVE, SYNERGY AND VIRTUE The Major Drops consist of a skilful blend of natural essential oils obtained by distillation in steam current and propolis extract. The essential oils used, including the Spanish Oregano (Thymus capitatus Hoff. Et Unk), they have been chosen among those with a strong personality both in a moder..

Hawthorn Bottle : 100ml Recommended dose : 40 drops 3 times a day diluted in water . Rosaceae family It 'a plant common in Europe and around the Mediterranean basin , the name derives from " kratos " in greek , means strength , and " oxus " sharp , and " anthos " flower. Because of its sharp points , it is considered a plant protector of homes and..
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