Plants Admitted in Supplements 2
Hymenaea courbaril
cortex , cortex resin , resin : Feature joint . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. drainage
of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit .
HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. flos , herba c . floribus , summitas L ' daily intake hypericin , from indicate on the label , must not exceed 0.7 mg . report iperforine / hypericin not more than 7 , including in voice " iperforine " the sum hyperforin and dell'adiperforina present in the extract . WARNING ADDITIONAL : " If you take the drugs , before use the product seek the advice of doctor because hypericum extract can interfere on their metabolism also inhibits activity . The extract of St. John's wort is contraindicated in age pediatric and in adolescence . " herba c . floribus : Normal mood. Relaxation. and mental well-being .
HYPTlS suaveolens Poit . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Hepatic function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. regularity of the process of sweating. Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract .
HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS L. herba , summitas , aetheroleum summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Digestive function. elimination of intestinal gas.
Yerba Mate A. St. HILL . ( Mate ) folium folium : Antioxidant . Drainage of body fluids. Balance of body weight. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . motivation metabolism . Lipid metabolism.
Illicium verum Hook.f. fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
IMPATIENS nolitangere L. herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Indigofera TlNCTORIA L. folium folium : Lipid metabolism . Liver function. Antioxidant .
Inula Conyza DC . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Digestive function. Regularity of the process of sweating.
Inula L. HELENIUM folium , radix, rhizoma c . radicibus radix, rhizoma c . radicibus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
IPOMEA batatas (L.) LAMB . tuber tuber : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Metabolism of triglycerides and cholesterol. Modulation / limiting, of nutrients.
ISATIS tinctoria L. folium , herba , Succus folium : supporting action and tonic.
Psyllium (see Plantago ovata Forsk . ) semen , semen tegumentum Seminis , Seminis tegumentum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Normal volume and texture of feces.
JACARANDA caroba DC . flos , flos folium , folium : Feature joint . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes.
Jasminum officinale L. flos , flos aetheroleum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Relaxation (sleep).
JATEORHIZA palmata MIERS radix radix : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . JUGLANS CINEREA L. cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of the skin) .
JUGLANS Regla L. folium , bud, pericarpium , pericarpium semen , semen : digestive function . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit . functionality of the digestive system . Integrity and functionality of the cell membranes . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . folium : Action astringent.
JUMELLEA FRAGRANS Schltr . folium folium : Relaxation (sleep). Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Digestive function.
Juniperus communis L. folium , lignum , semen ( galbuli ) , sùrculi ( young shoots ) , aetheroleum semen ( galbuli ) , aetheroleum : digestive function . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . functionality articular . lignum : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of sweating process . Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of the skin) .
JUSTlCIA pectoralis JACQ . herba herba : Relaxation and mental well-being . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Kaempferia galanga L. rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Contrast of localized states of tension . Joint function .
KHAYA senegalensis JUSS cortex cortex : Hepatic function . Regularity of sweating process . Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes.
KICKXIA spurious DUMORT . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
knautia ARVENSIS Coult . flos , flos folium , folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Regularity of the process of sweating.
KOLA R. acuminata BR . semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Memory and cognitive function . Drainage of body fluids. stimulation metabolism. Balance of body weight.
Krameria triandra RUIZ et P. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Welfare of the throat.
Lachnanthes TINCTORlA ( Former J. WALTER F. GMEL . ) ELLIOTT radix radix : Relaxation (sleep). Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Lactuca indica L. folium folium : Functions purifying the body. Digestive function. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Lactuca sativa L. folium folium : emollient and soothing action : ( digestive system ) . Relaxation and mental well-being . Drainage of body fluids.
Lagenaria siceraria Standl . semen semen : Functionality of the digestive system . Balance of body weight. Carbohydrate metabolism.
LAGERSTROEMIA SPECIOSA (L.) PERS. ( Banaba ) folium folium : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit .
LAMlNARIA CLOUSTONI THE Joly thallus thallus : Stimulation of metabolism.
LAMlNARIA DIGITATA ( HUDSON ) J.V. LAMOUROUX (Alga Kombu ) thallus thallus : Stimulation of metabolism.
LAMINARIA Saccharina (L.) LAMOUROUX (Alga Kombu ) thallus thallus : Stimulation of metabolism.
LAMIUM THE ALBUM . flos , flos c.floribus herba , herba c . floribus : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the system tract. Elimination of intestinal gas .
LAPSANA COMMUNIS L. folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
Larix decidua MILL . cortex , cortex resin , resin : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Drainage of liquids body . Natural defenses.
Laserpitium LATlFOLIUM L. herba , radix radix : digestive function . Epatica.Tonico function ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
LASIOSPHAERA GIGANTEA BATCH former PERS. sporophorum LAURUS NOBILlS L. folium , fructus , aetheroleum folium , fructus , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas .
LAVANDULA x HYBRIDA REVERCHON flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
LAVANDULA INTERMEDIATE LOISEL flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
LAVANDULA LATlFOLIA MEDIC . flos , herba , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
LAVANDULA OFFICINALIS CHAIX ( var.) flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation ( sleep, in case of stress ) Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Lavandula stoechas L. flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Drainage of body fluids.
LAVANDULA VERA DC . flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
LAWSONIA INERMIS L. folium folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process . Ledum palustre L. herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract .
LENS CULINARIS MEDIK . semen semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Lentinula edodes ( Berk. ) Pegler ( Shiitake ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
Leonotis NEPETlFOLIA AlT F. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Antioxidant . Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Joint function . Functionality of the system tract.
Leonurus cardiaca L.folium , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. relaxation and mental well-being .
LEPIDIUM COUNTRY R. BR . herba , herba semen : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
LEPIDIUM latifolium L. herba herba : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
Lepidium meyenii Walp . ( Maca ) radix, radix tuber , tuber : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Toning and metabolic support .
Lepidum SATIVUM L. folium , herba folium , herba : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
LEPTANDRA virginica NUTT . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Hepatic function .. Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process .
Leptospermum CITRATUM CHALL . summitas summitas : Functionality of the digestive system . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
Leptospermum SCOPARIUM J.R.FORST . & G.FORST . ( MANUKA ) cortex , folium , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Balsamic effect .
LESPEDEZA CAPITATA MICH . folium , herba , summitas folium , herba , summitas : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Lipid metabolism.
Leucanthemum VULGARE LAM . capitula , capitula herba : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Levisticum OFFICINALE KOCH . folium , fructus , herba , radix, rhizoma folium , fructus , herba , radix, rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Contrast disorders menstrual cycle. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
LIMONIUM VULGARE MILLER . flos , radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit .
LINARIA VULGARIS MILL . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Liver function. Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
LINUM catharticum L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Joint function . Drainage of body fluids.
Linum usitatissimum L. semen , tegumen Seminis , oleum semen , seminis tegumen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools . Emollient and Soothing ( digestive system ) . Lipid metabolism. Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . oleum : Lipid metabolism . Integrity and functionality of the cell membranes .
LIPPIA CITRIODORA Kunth flos , folium folium : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant .
LIPPIA DULCIS TREV . flos , folium folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes. Digestive function.
LIQUIDAMBAR ORIENTALIS MILL . cortex , balsamum balsamum , cortex : Effect balsamic . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Liriodendron Tulipifera L. cortex cortex : Drainage of body fluids. Functionality of the digestive system .
LIRIOSOMA OVATA MIERS lignum lignum : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Litchi chinensis SONNER semen semen : Functionality of the digestive system . Digestive function.
Lithospermum Officinale L. folium , fructus , Radix , Folium semen , fructus , radix, semen : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Emollient and soothing ( streets urinary infections) .
Lithothamnium calcareum thallus thallus : Trofismo of bone tissue
LITSEA CUBEBA PERS. fructus fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Lobaria pulmonaria Hoffm . thallus thallus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Digestive function. Natural defenses. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
LONICERA JAPONICA Thunb . flos , stipites c . foliis floribus et flos , stipites c . foliis et floribus : Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. regularity of intestinal transit.
LOTUS CORNICOLATUS L. herba , flos flos : Relaxation (in case of stress). Mental well-being .
Lucuma GLYCYPHLOEA MARTEIC . cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
LUPINUS spp semen semen : metabolism of carbohydrates.
Lycium barbarum L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
LYCOPODIUM Clavatum L. herba , herba spore , spore : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . functionality digestive system .
Lycopus europaeus L.herba herba : Relaxation and mental well-being . Stimulation of metabolism.
Lycopus VlRGINICUS Michx . herba herba : Relaxation and mental well-being . Stimulation of metabolism.
Lysimachia Nummularia L. herba , radix herba , radix : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Lysimachia VULGARIS L. herba herba : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes. Regularity of sweating process .
Lythrum salicaria L. summitas summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
MACADAMIA Ternifolia F. Muell . fructus , semen semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Macrocystis Pyrifera (L.) C.AG. ( Kelp ) thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Control of gastric acidity . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
MAGNOLIA OFFICINALIS REHDER cortex , flos cortex : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. fluidity of bronchial secretions . Rebalancing oral bacterial flora . flos : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM Pursh. cortex , fructus , Radix cortex : digestive function . Liver function. Carbohydrate metabolism.
MAJORANA HORTENSIS Moench . folium , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum folium , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Fluidity of secretions bronchial .
Malpighia glabra L. ( Syn. Malpighia Punicifolia L. - Acerola ) fructus fructus : Natural defenses. Support action and tonic. Antioxidant .
Malus domestica Borkh . ( Syn. M. SYLVESTRIS (l.) Mill.) fructus , gem fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption .
Malva sylvestris L. flos , flos folium , folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal- volume and consistency of stools . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system , urinary tract ) . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone voice.
AMERICAN Mammea L. flos , folium , fructus , resin flos , folium , fructus , resin : digestive function . Functionality of the digestive system . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Control of gastric acidity .
Mangifera indica L. fructus , folium , pericarpium fructus , folium , pericarpium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism. function digestion. Liver function.
Manihot ESCLUTENTA Crantz radix radix : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Support action and tonic.
MARANTA Arundinacea L. rhizoma rhizoma : Animal Welfare and tropism of the mucous membranes . Regularity of intestinal transit .
Marchantia Polymorpha L. thallus thallus : Hepatic function . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Purifying functions of the organism.
Marrubium VULGARE L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process . Digestive function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
Marsdenia Condurango NICH . arboris cortex cortex arboris : digestive function .
Marsdenia Reichenbachii TR . arboris cortex cortex arboris : digestive function . Functionality of the digestive system .
MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA L. capitula , flos , herba , ligule , aetheroleum capitula , flos , ligule , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Relaxation ( sleep) and mental well-being . Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
Medicago sativa L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Lipid metabolism . Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms .
Melaleuca ALTERNIFOLIA Cheel summitas , aetheroleum summitas , aetheroleum : Functionality of the respiratory tract first .
Melaleuca Leucadendron L. cortex , folium , flos , folium aetheroleum , aetheroleum : Feature joint .
Melaleuca Leucadendron L. VAR.CAJAPUTI R. cortex , folium , aetheroleum flos folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Prime function of the respiratory tract.
Melaleuca Leucadendron L. VAR.VIRIDIFLORA folium , folium aetheroleum , aetheroleum : Functionality of the respiratory tract first . Joint function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Melaleuca LINARIFOLIA SM . summitas summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process .
MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS PALLAS flos , folium , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Functionality of the venous circulation ( functionality hemorrhoidal plexus ) . Function of the microcirculation . Drainage of body fluids.
Melissa officinalis L. folium , herba c . floribus , aetheroleum folium , herba c . floribus , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Relaxation and mental well-being . Normal mood. Antioxidant .
Melittis Melissophyllum L. flos , folium , herba flos , folium , herba : Relaxation and sleep.
MENTHA AQUATICA L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. Liver function. effect balsamic vinegar. Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MENTHA ARVENSIS L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. Liver function. effect balsamic vinegar. Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MENTHA x piperita L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Digestive function. Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Mentha spicata L. folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Digestive function. Hepatic function .. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Balsamic effect . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MENTZELIA DON cordifolia . radix, radix summitas , summitas : digestive function . Functionality of the digestive system .
Menyanthes Trifoliata L. herba , herba folium , folium : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process .
MESPILUS GERMANICA L. fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
meum ATHAMANTICUM JACQ . radix radix : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Michelia champaca L. cortex , flos , folium , aetheroleum cortex , flos , folium , aetheroleum : Feature joint . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper tract. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Mikania AMARA WlLLD . herba , radix herba , radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Joint function . functionality of the digestive system .
Mikania guaco H. et B. herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Joint function . functionality digestive system .
Mitchella repens L. herba herba : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
MOMORDICA BALSAMlCA L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit .
MOMORDICA Charantia L. balsamum , fructus , fructus Succus : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of blood pressure. function digestion. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Monarda L. PUNCTATA herba herba : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Morinda citrifolia L. ( NONI ) fructus densatus (concentrate of the fruits ) , foam ( puree ) , succus Novel food under of Regulation ( EC) 258/97 maximum contributions day: juice : 30 ml ; puree : 26 g of concentrated fruits : 6 g . fructus densatus , foam, Succus : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Antioxidant .
MORINDA OFFICINALIS HOW . herba herba : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Physical fatigue , mental . Carbohydrate metabolism. Antioxidant . functionality articular .
Moringa APTERA Gaertn. semen semen : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process .
Moringa oleifera LAMK . semen , semen oleum , oleum : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process . usual blood circulation . Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
MORRENIA BRACHYSTEPHANA GRIS . flos , radix, Succus flos , radix, Succus : Contrast of localized states of tension .
Morus alba L cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus , radix, ramulus cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Airway function tract. Carbohydrate metabolism. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of blood pressure. ramulus : Regularity of blood pressure. Joint function . Contrast voltage were located.
MORUS nigra L. cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus , bud cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Airway function tract. Carbohydrate metabolism. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of blood pressure. Antioxidant .
MORUS spp. cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Airway function tract. Carbohydrate metabolism. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of blood pressure.
Musa x paradisiaca L. (pro spp.) fructus fructus : Control of gastric acidity . Digestive function.
Myosotis Scorpioides L. flos , flos herba , herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Myrciaria dubia ( Kunth ) McVaugh ( Camu Camu ) fructus fructus : Natural defenses. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
MYRICA cerifera L. cortex , fructus cortex : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. usual blood circulation .
Myrica gale L. folium , herba folium , herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Digestive function. Antioxidant .
MYRISTlCA FRAGRANS Houtt . fructus , pericarpium , aetheroleum fructus , pericarpium , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. wellness tropism and mucous membranes. Antioxidant .
Myroxylon Balsamum pereirae KL . balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Balsamic effect . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Myroxylon Balsamum TOLUIFERUM H.B.K. balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Balsamic effect . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Myrrhis ODORATA SCOP . herba herba : digestive function . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Purifying functions of the organism.
MYRTUS COMMUNIS L. flos , folium , fructus , summitas aetheroleum folium , fructus , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
Nardostachys Jatamansi DC . folium , radix folium , radix : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of intestinal transit . drainage bodily fluids . Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Relaxation and mental well-being . Adjust functionality of cardiovascular .
NASTURTIUM OFFICINALE R. BROWN herba herba : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism.
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. radix, semen Catnip L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Relaxation (in case of stress). Mental well-being . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas .
nephelium Lappaceum L. fructus fructus sine sine sowing sowing : Regularity of intestinal transit . Elimination of intestinal gas .
nymphoides peltata Kuntze herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Contrast of localized states of tension . Regularity of sweating process .
Ocimum basilicum L. folium folium : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Antioxidant .
OCIMUM GRATlSSIMUM L. folium folium : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Antioxidant .
Ocimum sanctum L. herba herba : Tonic- adaptogen . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Antioxidant .
Evening primrose L. semen , oleum oleum : Integrity and function of cell membranes. Tropism and functionality of the skin. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation. Joint function .
Olea europaea L. fructus , folium , bud, sùrculi (young jets) , oleum ex Fructibus folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Normal blood circulation. Regularity of blood pressure. Antioxidant .
Ononis ARVENSIS L. herba , radix herba , radix : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract .
Ononis spinosa L. herba , radix herba , radix : Drainage of body fluids. Emollient and soothing ( urinary tract ) . Digestive function. Liver function.
Onopordon Acanthium L. herba , radix herba , radix : digestive function . Liver function. Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Emollient and soothing ( streets urinary infections) .
Onosma ECHIOlDES L. s. l. folium , radix folium : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit . radix : Trofismo and well-being of the skin.
Ophioglossum Vulgatum L. herba , sarmentum ( twig ) herba , sarmentum ( twig ) : Animal Welfare and tropism of the mucous membranes . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Ophiopogon JAPONICUS KER- GAW . radix radix tuberose tuberose : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. regularity of intestinal transit. Relaxation (sleep).
OPHIORRHIZA Mungos L. radix radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of the transit intestine. Relaxation (sleep).
opopanax CHIRONIUM KOCH . gummi gummi resin , resin : Natural defenses.
Opuntia ficus-indica MILL . cladodium , flos , fructus cladodium : Balance of body weight. Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Regularity of intestinal transit . flos : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Prostate function .
O. mascula L. tuber tuber : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes.
ORIGANUM dictamnus L. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium , herba c . floribus : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
Origanum vulgare L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. fluidity of bronchial secretions. Balsamic effect .
ORTHOSIPHON stamineus Benth folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Oryza sativa L. fructus ( brown rice ) semen ( polished white rice ) semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Control of gastric acidity .
Osmunda L. REGALIS folium , rhizoma folium : Drainage of body fluids. rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Liver function. Emollient and soothing ( urinary tract ) .
Oxalis acetosella L. folium folium : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of sweating process .
oxycoccus PALUSTRIS PERS. ( Cranberry ) fructus fructus : drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Body's natural defenses and well-being of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Money Tree AUBL . folium , folium semen , semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Carbohydrate metabolism. Liver function.
PACHIRA insignis SAV . folium folium : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Carboidrati.Funzione hepatic metabolism .
Paeonia lactiflora PALL . radix, radix semen : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
PAEONIA OFFICINALIS L. flos , flos radix , radix : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
PAEONIA SUFFRUTTICOSA radix Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze ( Dulse Seaweed ) thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
Panax ginseng AC supply MEYER folium , radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Antioxidant . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Panax notoginseng CHEN . folium , radix radix : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
PANAX pseudoginseng WALL . folium , radix radix : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
PANAX Quinquefolium L. folium , radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Regularity of sweating process .
PANICUM MlLIACEUM L. fructus fructus : supporting action and tonic. Well-being of nails and hair.
PANZERIA LANATA BGE . herba herba : Relaxation (sleep). Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Drainage of body fluids. functionality articular .
Papaver rhoeas L. flos , folium , semen flos : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Contrast of localized states of tension .
Parietaria OFFICINALIS L . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
Parmelia saxatilis ACH . thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic. Antioxidant .
parthenium Hysterophorus L. herba Passiflora edulis SIMS . fructus , herba herba : Antioxidant . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Joint function . Relaxation (sleep). Functionality of the digestive system .
PASSlFLORA INCARNATED L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Mental well-being . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas .
Parsnip L. herba , tuber herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Liver function. tuber : Feature joint .
Paullinia cupana KUNT semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Stimulation of metabolism. Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
PEDALIUM MUREX L. folium , fructus , semen semen : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Pedicularis PALUSTRIS L. herba herba : Relaxation (sleep). Mental well-being .
PEDlLANTHUS pavonis BOISS . folium folium : Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
PELARGONIUM GRAVEOLENS L ' Her flos , folium , aetheroleum flos , folium : Relaxation (sleep). Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms .
PELARGONIUM RADULA The HERIT flos , flos folium , folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Natural defenses.
PERILLA FRUTESCENS BRITTON folium , semen , oleum folium , semen , oleum , : Natural defenses.
Persea americana MILL . fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic. PETIVERIA alliacea L. folium , radix folium , radix : Natural defenses. Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Petroselinum Crispum A.W.HIL . folium , fructus , summitas , Radix folium , fructus , summitas , radix : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Peucedanum OFFIClNALE L. radix radix : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
Peucedanum OREOSELINUM MOENC . radix radix : digestive function . Purifying functions of the organism. Drainage of body fluids.
Peucedanum Ostruthium KOCH . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental )
Peumus Boldus MOLINA cortex , folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. regularity of intestinal transit.
Pfaffia PANICULATA ( Mart. ) Kuntze radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Phaseolus vulgaris L. fructus , fructus semen , semen : Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
phillyrea LATIFOLlA L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Phoenix dactylifera L. fructus fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Phragmites Australis TRIN . radix radix : digestive function . Joint function . Purifying functions of the organism.
Phyllanthus amarus L. summitas summitas : Hepatic function . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Phyllanthus EMBLICA L. fructus fructus : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Antioxidant . Control of gastric acidity . Tonic- adaptogen . natural defenses organism. Liver function.
Phyllanthus niruri L. folium , herba folium , herba : Hepatic function . Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality urinary tract .
Phyllitis scolopendrium NEWM . folium , herba folium , herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Digestive function. Liver function.
Physalis Alkekengi L. fructus PHYSALIS PERUVIAN L.fructus PICRAMNIA ANTIDESMA SW. cortex cortex : digestive function . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Picrasma EXCELSA Planch . cortex , cortex lignum , lignum : digestive function .
Picrasma QUASSIOIDES BENN . cortex , cortex lignum , lignum : digestive function .
Picrorhiza kurroa ROYLE radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Function digestiva.Funzione impairment. Natural defenses. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Pimenta DIOICA (L.) MERR . fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
Pimenta RACEMOSA MOORE fructus , folium , aetheroleum fructus , folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. relaxation and mental well-being .
Pimpinella anisum L. fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MAJOR PIMPINELLA HUDSON radix radix : Effect balsamic . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Digestive function.
PIMPINELLA SAXIFRAGA L. herba , radix, rhizoma herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Digestive function. radix, rhizoma : Effect balsamic vinegar functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. function digestion.
PINCKNEYA PUBENS Michx . cortex cortex : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of sweating process .
Pinus koraiensis SIEBOLD & Zucc . semen , semen oleum , oleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . Antioxidant .
Pinus massoniana LAMB . cortex , folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . cortex : Antioxidant .
Pinus mugo TURRA ( syn. Pinus montana Mill.) gem , gem aetheroleum , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
Pinus pinea L. cortex , semen semen : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Drainage of body fluids.
Pinus pinaster AITON cortex , folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum cortex : Antioxidant . folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
Pinus sylvestris L. cortex , folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum cortex : Antioxidant folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
PIPER ANGUSTIFOLIUM Rulz - PAV . folium folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
Piper cubeba L. fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
PIPER LONGUM L. fructus fructus : Tonic- adaptogen . Antioxidant .
Piper nigrum L. fructus , oleoresin , oleum fructus , oleoresin , oleum : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Antioxidant .
Pistacia vera L. fructus PISTACIA LENTlSCUS L. radix, resin resin : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
PISTACIA terebinthus L. cortex cortex : Antioxidant . Joint function . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
Pisum sativum L. bacellus , fructus , semen PLANTAGO AFRA L. semen semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation the absorption of nutrients. Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and stool consistency .
PLANTAGO SANDSTONE POIRET semen semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation the absorption of nutrients. Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Normal volume and consistency of stools .
PLANTAGO Lanceolata L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the upper tract. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Functionality of the digestive system .
Plantago major L. folium , herba , herba c . floribus , semen folium , herba , herba c . floribus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the first airways. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the digestive system .
Plantago media L. folium , herba folium , herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa .
Plantago ovata Forsk . ( Ispagul ) semen , semen tegumentum Seminis , Seminis tegumentum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids . Normal volume and texture of feces. Prebiotic effect .
PLANTAGO PSYLLIUM L.semen , tegumentum semen Seminis , Seminis tegumentum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .. Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Normal volume and texture of feces. Prebiotic effect .
PLATANUS ORIENTALIS L. gem Plectranthus barbatus ANDREWS ( Syn. Coleus forskohlii ) folium , radix, radix tuber , tuber : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Regularity of blood pressure. Functionality of the first airways. Digestive function. Balance of body weight.
PLEUROTUS Ostreatus ( Jacq. : FR . ) P. KUMM sporophorum PLUMBAGO EUROPAEA L. herba , radix Polygala L. AMARA herba c . floribus , radix radix : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Polygala vulgaris L. s. l. herba , radix radix : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
POLYGONUM Aviculare L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Functionality of the digestive system . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Polygonum bistorta L. herba , radix, rhizoma herba , radix, rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
POLYGONUM cuspidatum SIEBOLD & Zucc . radix radix : Antioxidant . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism. Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Tonic. ( Physical fatigue , mental ) .
POLYGONUM Dumetorum L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit .
POLYGONUM Hydropiper L. herba herba : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit .
POLYGONUM Multiflorum Thunb . cortex , radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Antioxidant . Purifying functions of the organism. Drainage of body fluids. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental . )
POLYGONUM Persicaria L. folium , herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Polypodium CALAGUALA RUIZ . radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Tropism and functionality of the skin.
Polypodium Leucotomos L. rhizoma , summitas rhizoma : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. tropism and functionality of the skin. summitas : Trofismo and functionality of the skin. Antioxidant .
POLYTHRICUM COMMUNE L. herba Polyporus UMBELLATUS (Pers. : FR . ) FR . ( syn grifola UMBELLATA ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses. Populus alba L. cortex , folium , bud cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
POPULUS balsamifera L. cortex , folium , bud cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
Populus nigra L. cortex , folium , bud, lignum cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
Populus tremuloides L. cortex , folium , bud cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
PORIA COCOS F. A. WOLF sclerotia Porphyra palmata (L.) K. ( nori ) thallus thallus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
Porphyra tenera Kjellman thallus thallus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
Porphyra Umbilicalis (L.) K. ( Nori ) thallus thallus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
PORTULACA OLERACEA L. folium , herba , radix herba : Functions purifying the body. Drainage of body fluids. Digestiva.Funzione liver function .
Potentilla anserina L. herba c . floribus , rhizoma herba c . floribus , rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
POTENTILLA ARGENTEA L. herba , herba c . floribus , rhizoma herba , herba c . floribus , rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast disorders the menstrual cycle.
POTENTILLA ERECTA RAUSCHEL herba , herba rhizoma , rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
POTENTILLA reptans L. rhizoma rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Poterium spinosum L. cortex former main root cortex former MAIN root : Metabolism of carbohydrates.
PRANGOS PABULARIA Lindl. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Primrose ELIATOR Schreb. flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Primrose OFFlCINALIS HILL . flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Primula veris L. flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
primula vulgaris HUDS . flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Protium GUIANENSE MARCH . resin resin : Natural defenses.
Protium HEPTAPHYLLUM MARCH . lignum , lignum resin , resin : digestive function . Hepatic function .. Natural defenses.
Protium ICICARIBA MARCH . resin Prunella vulgaris L. flos , folium , herba folium , herba : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Functionality of the digestive system .
Prunus armeniaca L. oleum oleum : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Prunus cerasus L. Pedunculus Pedunculus : Drainage of body fluids.
Prunus domestica L. ( syn. Sorbus domestica L. ) fructus , gem fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Prunus dulcis PHILIP MILLER ( syn. Prunus amygdalus Batsch ) fructus , bud, semen , oleum fructus , oleum : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Regularity of intestinal transit .
PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS L. fructus , fructus semen , semen : Antioxidant .
Prunus L. MALAHEB semen semen : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
PRUNUS MUME fructus Prunus L. PADUS cortex cortex : Contrast of localized states of tension . Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of sweating process . Relaxation (sleep).
Prunus persica Batsch . cortex , flos , folium cortex , folium : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of liquids body . flos : Drainage of body fluids. Relaxation (sleep).
Prunus serotina Ehrh . cortex , cortex folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process .
Prunus spinosa L. flos , folium , fructus , bud, Succus fructicola flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . regularity of sweating process .
PSEUDOWINTERA COLORED ( RAOUL ) DANDY cortex , cortex folium , folium : Functionality of the digestive system . Natural defenses.
Psidium araca RADDI . cortex , folium , fructus , Radix cortex , radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Natural defenses. Functional urinary tract. folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . fructus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
Guava L. folium folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Functionality of the upper tract.
Pterocarpus DRACO L . resin resin : Natural defenses.
Pterocarpus Erinaceus POIR . Succus inspissitus Succus inspissitus : Natural defenses dell'organis
HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. flos , herba c . floribus , summitas L ' daily intake hypericin , from indicate on the label , must not exceed 0.7 mg . report iperforine / hypericin not more than 7 , including in voice " iperforine " the sum hyperforin and dell'adiperforina present in the extract . WARNING ADDITIONAL : " If you take the drugs , before use the product seek the advice of doctor because hypericum extract can interfere on their metabolism also inhibits activity . The extract of St. John's wort is contraindicated in age pediatric and in adolescence . " herba c . floribus : Normal mood. Relaxation. and mental well-being .
HYPTlS suaveolens Poit . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Hepatic function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. regularity of the process of sweating. Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract .
HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS L. herba , summitas , aetheroleum summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Digestive function. elimination of intestinal gas.
Yerba Mate A. St. HILL . ( Mate ) folium folium : Antioxidant . Drainage of body fluids. Balance of body weight. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . motivation metabolism . Lipid metabolism.
Illicium verum Hook.f. fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
IMPATIENS nolitangere L. herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Indigofera TlNCTORIA L. folium folium : Lipid metabolism . Liver function. Antioxidant .
Inula Conyza DC . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Digestive function. Regularity of the process of sweating.
Inula L. HELENIUM folium , radix, rhizoma c . radicibus radix, rhizoma c . radicibus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
IPOMEA batatas (L.) LAMB . tuber tuber : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Metabolism of triglycerides and cholesterol. Modulation / limiting, of nutrients.
ISATIS tinctoria L. folium , herba , Succus folium : supporting action and tonic.
Psyllium (see Plantago ovata Forsk . ) semen , semen tegumentum Seminis , Seminis tegumentum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Normal volume and texture of feces.
JACARANDA caroba DC . flos , flos folium , folium : Feature joint . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes.
Jasminum officinale L. flos , flos aetheroleum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Relaxation (sleep).
JATEORHIZA palmata MIERS radix radix : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . JUGLANS CINEREA L. cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Digestive function. Liver function. Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of the skin) .
JUGLANS Regla L. folium , bud, pericarpium , pericarpium semen , semen : digestive function . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit . functionality of the digestive system . Integrity and functionality of the cell membranes . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . folium : Action astringent.
JUMELLEA FRAGRANS Schltr . folium folium : Relaxation (sleep). Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Digestive function.
Juniperus communis L. folium , lignum , semen ( galbuli ) , sùrculi ( young shoots ) , aetheroleum semen ( galbuli ) , aetheroleum : digestive function . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . functionality articular . lignum : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of sweating process . Purifying functions of the body ( well-being of the skin) .
JUSTlCIA pectoralis JACQ . herba herba : Relaxation and mental well-being . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Kaempferia galanga L. rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Contrast of localized states of tension . Joint function .
KHAYA senegalensis JUSS cortex cortex : Hepatic function . Regularity of sweating process . Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes.
KICKXIA spurious DUMORT . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
knautia ARVENSIS Coult . flos , flos folium , folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Regularity of the process of sweating.
KOLA R. acuminata BR . semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Memory and cognitive function . Drainage of body fluids. stimulation metabolism. Balance of body weight.
Krameria triandra RUIZ et P. radix radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Welfare of the throat.
Lachnanthes TINCTORlA ( Former J. WALTER F. GMEL . ) ELLIOTT radix radix : Relaxation (sleep). Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Lactuca indica L. folium folium : Functions purifying the body. Digestive function. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Lactuca sativa L. folium folium : emollient and soothing action : ( digestive system ) . Relaxation and mental well-being . Drainage of body fluids.
Lagenaria siceraria Standl . semen semen : Functionality of the digestive system . Balance of body weight. Carbohydrate metabolism.
LAGERSTROEMIA SPECIOSA (L.) PERS. ( Banaba ) folium folium : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit .
LAMlNARIA CLOUSTONI THE Joly thallus thallus : Stimulation of metabolism.
LAMlNARIA DIGITATA ( HUDSON ) J.V. LAMOUROUX (Alga Kombu ) thallus thallus : Stimulation of metabolism.
LAMINARIA Saccharina (L.) LAMOUROUX (Alga Kombu ) thallus thallus : Stimulation of metabolism.
LAMIUM THE ALBUM . flos , flos c.floribus herba , herba c . floribus : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the system tract. Elimination of intestinal gas .
LAPSANA COMMUNIS L. folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
Larix decidua MILL . cortex , cortex resin , resin : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Drainage of liquids body . Natural defenses.
Laserpitium LATlFOLIUM L. herba , radix radix : digestive function . Epatica.Tonico function ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
LASIOSPHAERA GIGANTEA BATCH former PERS. sporophorum LAURUS NOBILlS L. folium , fructus , aetheroleum folium , fructus , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas .
LAVANDULA x HYBRIDA REVERCHON flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
LAVANDULA INTERMEDIATE LOISEL flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
LAVANDULA LATlFOLIA MEDIC . flos , herba , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
LAVANDULA OFFICINALIS CHAIX ( var.) flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation ( sleep, in case of stress ) Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
Lavandula stoechas L. flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Drainage of body fluids.
LAVANDULA VERA DC . flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum flos , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Normal mood. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases.
LAWSONIA INERMIS L. folium folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Liver function. Regularity of sweating process . Ledum palustre L. herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract .
LENS CULINARIS MEDIK . semen semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Lentinula edodes ( Berk. ) Pegler ( Shiitake ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses.
Leonotis NEPETlFOLIA AlT F. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Antioxidant . Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Joint function . Functionality of the system tract.
Leonurus cardiaca L.folium , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. relaxation and mental well-being .
LEPIDIUM COUNTRY R. BR . herba , herba semen : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
LEPIDIUM latifolium L. herba herba : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
Lepidium meyenii Walp . ( Maca ) radix, radix tuber , tuber : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Toning and metabolic support .
Lepidum SATIVUM L. folium , herba folium , herba : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
LEPTANDRA virginica NUTT . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Hepatic function .. Regularity of intestinal transit . Regularity of sweating process .
Leptospermum CITRATUM CHALL . summitas summitas : Functionality of the digestive system . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
Leptospermum SCOPARIUM J.R.FORST . & G.FORST . ( MANUKA ) cortex , folium , aetheroleum cortex , folium , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Balsamic effect .
LESPEDEZA CAPITATA MICH . folium , herba , summitas folium , herba , summitas : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Lipid metabolism.
Leucanthemum VULGARE LAM . capitula , capitula herba : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Levisticum OFFICINALE KOCH . folium , fructus , herba , radix, rhizoma folium , fructus , herba , radix, rhizoma : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Contrast disorders menstrual cycle. Digestive function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
LIMONIUM VULGARE MILLER . flos , radix radix : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit .
LINARIA VULGARIS MILL . herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Liver function. Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
LINUM catharticum L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Joint function . Drainage of body fluids.
Linum usitatissimum L. semen , tegumen Seminis , oleum semen , seminis tegumen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and consistency of stools . Emollient and Soothing ( digestive system ) . Lipid metabolism. Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . oleum : Lipid metabolism . Integrity and functionality of the cell membranes .
LIPPIA CITRIODORA Kunth flos , folium folium : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Relaxation and mental well-being . Antioxidant .
LIPPIA DULCIS TREV . flos , folium folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes. Digestive function.
LIQUIDAMBAR ORIENTALIS MILL . cortex , balsamum balsamum , cortex : Effect balsamic . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Liriodendron Tulipifera L. cortex cortex : Drainage of body fluids. Functionality of the digestive system .
LIRIOSOMA OVATA MIERS lignum lignum : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Litchi chinensis SONNER semen semen : Functionality of the digestive system . Digestive function.
Lithospermum Officinale L. folium , fructus , Radix , Folium semen , fructus , radix, semen : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Emollient and soothing ( streets urinary infections) .
Lithothamnium calcareum thallus thallus : Trofismo of bone tissue
LITSEA CUBEBA PERS. fructus fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Lobaria pulmonaria Hoffm . thallus thallus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Digestive function. Natural defenses. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
LONICERA JAPONICA Thunb . flos , stipites c . foliis floribus et flos , stipites c . foliis et floribus : Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. regularity of intestinal transit.
LOTUS CORNICOLATUS L. herba , flos flos : Relaxation (in case of stress). Mental well-being .
Lucuma GLYCYPHLOEA MARTEIC . cortex cortex : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
LUPINUS spp semen semen : metabolism of carbohydrates.
Lycium barbarum L. fructus fructus : Antioxidant .
LYCOPODIUM Clavatum L. herba , herba spore , spore : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . functionality digestive system .
Lycopus europaeus L.herba herba : Relaxation and mental well-being . Stimulation of metabolism.
Lycopus VlRGINICUS Michx . herba herba : Relaxation and mental well-being . Stimulation of metabolism.
Lysimachia Nummularia L. herba , radix herba , radix : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Lysimachia VULGARIS L. herba herba : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes. Regularity of sweating process .
Lythrum salicaria L. summitas summitas : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
MACADAMIA Ternifolia F. Muell . fructus , semen semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Macrocystis Pyrifera (L.) C.AG. ( Kelp ) thallus thallus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Control of gastric acidity . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
MAGNOLIA OFFICINALIS REHDER cortex , flos cortex : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. fluidity of bronchial secretions . Rebalancing oral bacterial flora . flos : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM Pursh. cortex , fructus , Radix cortex : digestive function . Liver function. Carbohydrate metabolism.
MAJORANA HORTENSIS Moench . folium , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum folium , summitas c . floribus , aetheroleum : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Fluidity of secretions bronchial .
Malpighia glabra L. ( Syn. Malpighia Punicifolia L. - Acerola ) fructus fructus : Natural defenses. Support action and tonic. Antioxidant .
Malus domestica Borkh . ( Syn. M. SYLVESTRIS (l.) Mill.) fructus , gem fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption .
Malva sylvestris L. flos , flos folium , folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal- volume and consistency of stools . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system , urinary tract ) . Emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone voice.
AMERICAN Mammea L. flos , folium , fructus , resin flos , folium , fructus , resin : digestive function . Functionality of the digestive system . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Control of gastric acidity .
Mangifera indica L. fructus , folium , pericarpium fructus , folium , pericarpium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism. function digestion. Liver function.
Manihot ESCLUTENTA Crantz radix radix : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Support action and tonic.
MARANTA Arundinacea L. rhizoma rhizoma : Animal Welfare and tropism of the mucous membranes . Regularity of intestinal transit .
Marchantia Polymorpha L. thallus thallus : Hepatic function . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Purifying functions of the organism.
Marrubium VULGARE L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process . Digestive function. Elimination of intestinal gas .
Marsdenia Condurango NICH . arboris cortex cortex arboris : digestive function .
Marsdenia Reichenbachii TR . arboris cortex cortex arboris : digestive function . Functionality of the digestive system .
MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA L. capitula , flos , herba , ligule , aetheroleum capitula , flos , ligule , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Relaxation ( sleep) and mental well-being . Regularity of sweating process . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
Medicago sativa L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Lipid metabolism . Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms .
Melaleuca ALTERNIFOLIA Cheel summitas , aetheroleum summitas , aetheroleum : Functionality of the respiratory tract first .
Melaleuca Leucadendron L. cortex , folium , flos , folium aetheroleum , aetheroleum : Feature joint .
Melaleuca Leucadendron L. VAR.CAJAPUTI R. cortex , folium , aetheroleum flos folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Prime function of the respiratory tract.
Melaleuca Leucadendron L. VAR.VIRIDIFLORA folium , folium aetheroleum , aetheroleum : Functionality of the respiratory tract first . Joint function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Melaleuca LINARIFOLIA SM . summitas summitas : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process .
MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS PALLAS flos , folium , herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Functionality of the venous circulation ( functionality hemorrhoidal plexus ) . Function of the microcirculation . Drainage of body fluids.
Melissa officinalis L. folium , herba c . floribus , aetheroleum folium , herba c . floribus , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Relaxation and mental well-being . Normal mood. Antioxidant .
Melittis Melissophyllum L. flos , folium , herba flos , folium , herba : Relaxation and sleep.
MENTHA AQUATICA L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. Liver function. effect balsamic vinegar. Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MENTHA ARVENSIS L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. Liver function. effect balsamic vinegar. Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MENTHA x piperita L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Digestive function. Liver function. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Mentha spicata L. folium , herba , summitas , aetheroleum folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Digestive function. Hepatic function .. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Balsamic effect . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MENTZELIA DON cordifolia . radix, radix summitas , summitas : digestive function . Functionality of the digestive system .
Menyanthes Trifoliata L. herba , herba folium , folium : digestive function . Regularity of sweating process .
MESPILUS GERMANICA L. fructus fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
meum ATHAMANTICUM JACQ . radix radix : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Michelia champaca L. cortex , flos , folium , aetheroleum cortex , flos , folium , aetheroleum : Feature joint . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper tract. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Mikania AMARA WlLLD . herba , radix herba , radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Joint function . functionality of the digestive system .
Mikania guaco H. et B. herba herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Joint function . functionality digestive system .
Mitchella repens L. herba herba : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
MOMORDICA BALSAMlCA L. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit .
MOMORDICA Charantia L. balsamum , fructus , fructus Succus : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of blood pressure. function digestion. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Monarda L. PUNCTATA herba herba : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Morinda citrifolia L. ( NONI ) fructus densatus (concentrate of the fruits ) , foam ( puree ) , succus Novel food under of Regulation ( EC) 258/97 maximum contributions day: juice : 30 ml ; puree : 26 g of concentrated fruits : 6 g . fructus densatus , foam, Succus : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Antioxidant .
MORINDA OFFICINALIS HOW . herba herba : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Physical fatigue , mental . Carbohydrate metabolism. Antioxidant . functionality articular .
Moringa APTERA Gaertn. semen semen : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process .
Moringa oleifera LAMK . semen , semen oleum , oleum : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process . usual blood circulation . Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
MORRENIA BRACHYSTEPHANA GRIS . flos , radix, Succus flos , radix, Succus : Contrast of localized states of tension .
Morus alba L cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus , radix, ramulus cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Airway function tract. Carbohydrate metabolism. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of blood pressure. ramulus : Regularity of blood pressure. Joint function . Contrast voltage were located.
MORUS nigra L. cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus , bud cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Airway function tract. Carbohydrate metabolism. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of blood pressure. Antioxidant .
MORUS spp. cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus cortex former radicibus , folium , fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Airway function tract. Carbohydrate metabolism. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of blood pressure.
Musa x paradisiaca L. (pro spp.) fructus fructus : Control of gastric acidity . Digestive function.
Myosotis Scorpioides L. flos , flos herba , herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Myrciaria dubia ( Kunth ) McVaugh ( Camu Camu ) fructus fructus : Natural defenses. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
MYRICA cerifera L. cortex , fructus cortex : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. usual blood circulation .
Myrica gale L. folium , herba folium , herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Digestive function. Antioxidant .
MYRISTlCA FRAGRANS Houtt . fructus , pericarpium , aetheroleum fructus , pericarpium , aetheroleum : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Digestive function. wellness tropism and mucous membranes. Antioxidant .
Myroxylon Balsamum pereirae KL . balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Balsamic effect . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Myroxylon Balsamum TOLUIFERUM H.B.K. balsamum balsamum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Balsamic effect . Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes .
Myrrhis ODORATA SCOP . herba herba : digestive function . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Purifying functions of the organism.
MYRTUS COMMUNIS L. flos , folium , fructus , summitas aetheroleum folium , fructus , aetheroleum : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
Nardostachys Jatamansi DC . folium , radix folium , radix : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Regularity of intestinal transit . drainage bodily fluids . Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Relaxation and mental well-being . Adjust functionality of cardiovascular .
NASTURTIUM OFFICINALE R. BROWN herba herba : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism.
Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. radix, semen Catnip L. herba c . floribus herba c . floribus : Relaxation (in case of stress). Mental well-being . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas .
nephelium Lappaceum L. fructus fructus sine sine sowing sowing : Regularity of intestinal transit . Elimination of intestinal gas .
nymphoides peltata Kuntze herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Contrast of localized states of tension . Regularity of sweating process .
Ocimum basilicum L. folium folium : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Antioxidant .
OCIMUM GRATlSSIMUM L. folium folium : digestive function . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Antioxidant .
Ocimum sanctum L. herba herba : Tonic- adaptogen . Carbohydrate metabolism. Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Antioxidant .
Evening primrose L. semen , oleum oleum : Integrity and function of cell membranes. Tropism and functionality of the skin. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation. Joint function .
Olea europaea L. fructus , folium , bud, sùrculi (young jets) , oleum ex Fructibus folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Normal blood circulation. Regularity of blood pressure. Antioxidant .
Ononis ARVENSIS L. herba , radix herba , radix : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract .
Ononis spinosa L. herba , radix herba , radix : Drainage of body fluids. Emollient and soothing ( urinary tract ) . Digestive function. Liver function.
Onopordon Acanthium L. herba , radix herba , radix : digestive function . Liver function. Wellness and tropism of the mucous membranes . Emollient and soothing ( streets urinary infections) .
Onosma ECHIOlDES L. s. l. folium , radix folium : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of intestinal transit . radix : Trofismo and well-being of the skin.
Ophioglossum Vulgatum L. herba , sarmentum ( twig ) herba , sarmentum ( twig ) : Animal Welfare and tropism of the mucous membranes . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Ophiopogon JAPONICUS KER- GAW . radix radix tuberose tuberose : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. regularity of intestinal transit. Relaxation (sleep).
OPHIORRHIZA Mungos L. radix radix : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Digestive function. Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of the transit intestine. Relaxation (sleep).
opopanax CHIRONIUM KOCH . gummi gummi resin , resin : Natural defenses.
Opuntia ficus-indica MILL . cladodium , flos , fructus cladodium : Balance of body weight. Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Regularity of intestinal transit . flos : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Prostate function .
O. mascula L. tuber tuber : Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Wellness and tropism of mucous membranes.
ORIGANUM dictamnus L. flos , folium , herba c . floribus flos , folium , herba c . floribus : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
Origanum vulgare L. folium , summitas , aetheroleum folium , summitas , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. fluidity of bronchial secretions. Balsamic effect .
ORTHOSIPHON stamineus Benth folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract.
Oryza sativa L. fructus ( brown rice ) semen ( polished white rice ) semen : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Control of gastric acidity .
Osmunda L. REGALIS folium , rhizoma folium : Drainage of body fluids. rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Liver function. Emollient and soothing ( urinary tract ) .
Oxalis acetosella L. folium folium : Drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Regularity of sweating process .
oxycoccus PALUSTRIS PERS. ( Cranberry ) fructus fructus : drainage of liquids corporei.Funzionalità urinary tract . Body's natural defenses and well-being of the respiratory tract. Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system .
Money Tree AUBL . folium , folium semen , semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Carbohydrate metabolism. Liver function.
PACHIRA insignis SAV . folium folium : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Carboidrati.Funzione hepatic metabolism .
Paeonia lactiflora PALL . radix, radix semen : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
PAEONIA OFFICINALIS L. flos , flos radix , radix : Adjust gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
PAEONIA SUFFRUTTICOSA radix Palmaria palmata (L.) Kuntze ( Dulse Seaweed ) thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic.
Panax ginseng AC supply MEYER folium , radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Antioxidant . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Panax notoginseng CHEN . folium , radix radix : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
PANAX pseudoginseng WALL . folium , radix radix : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
PANAX Quinquefolium L. folium , radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Regularity of sweating process .
PANICUM MlLIACEUM L. fructus fructus : supporting action and tonic. Well-being of nails and hair.
PANZERIA LANATA BGE . herba herba : Relaxation (sleep). Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Drainage of body fluids. functionality articular .
Papaver rhoeas L. flos , folium , semen flos : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Contrast of localized states of tension .
Parietaria OFFICINALIS L . herba herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Purifying functions of the organism.
Parmelia saxatilis ACH . thallus thallus : supporting action and tonic. Antioxidant .
parthenium Hysterophorus L. herba Passiflora edulis SIMS . fructus , herba herba : Antioxidant . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms . Joint function . Relaxation (sleep). Functionality of the digestive system .
PASSlFLORA INCARNATED L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Relaxation (sleep , in case of stress). Mental well-being . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas .
Parsnip L. herba , tuber herba : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Liver function. tuber : Feature joint .
Paullinia cupana KUNT semen semen : Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Stimulation of metabolism. Lipid metabolism. Balance of body weight.
PEDALIUM MUREX L. folium , fructus , semen semen : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) .
Pedicularis PALUSTRIS L. herba herba : Relaxation (sleep). Mental well-being .
PEDlLANTHUS pavonis BOISS . folium folium : Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
PELARGONIUM GRAVEOLENS L ' Her flos , folium , aetheroleum flos , folium : Relaxation (sleep). Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Contrast the treatment of menopausal symptoms .
PELARGONIUM RADULA The HERIT flos , flos folium , folium : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Natural defenses.
PERILLA FRUTESCENS BRITTON folium , semen , oleum folium , semen , oleum , : Natural defenses.
Persea americana MILL . fructus fructus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic. PETIVERIA alliacea L. folium , radix folium , radix : Natural defenses. Joint function . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Petroselinum Crispum A.W.HIL . folium , fructus , summitas , Radix folium , fructus , summitas , radix : digestive function . Elimination of intestinal gas . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Peucedanum OFFIClNALE L. radix radix : digestive function . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
Peucedanum OREOSELINUM MOENC . radix radix : digestive function . Purifying functions of the organism. Drainage of body fluids.
Peucedanum Ostruthium KOCH . rhizoma rhizoma : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental )
Peumus Boldus MOLINA cortex , folium folium : digestive function . Liver function. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. regularity of intestinal transit.
Pfaffia PANICULATA ( Mart. ) Kuntze radix radix : Tonic- adaptogen . Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental ) . Antioxidant . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Phaseolus vulgaris L. fructus , fructus semen , semen : Drainage of body fluids. Carbohydrate metabolism.
phillyrea LATIFOLlA L. folium folium : Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Phoenix dactylifera L. fructus fructus : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Phragmites Australis TRIN . radix radix : digestive function . Joint function . Purifying functions of the organism.
Phyllanthus amarus L. summitas summitas : Hepatic function . Carbohydrate metabolism.
Phyllanthus EMBLICA L. fructus fructus : Metabolism of carbohydrates. Antioxidant . Control of gastric acidity . Tonic- adaptogen . natural defenses organism. Liver function.
Phyllanthus niruri L. folium , herba folium , herba : Hepatic function . Metabolism of carbohydrates. Functionality urinary tract .
Phyllitis scolopendrium NEWM . folium , herba folium , herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Digestive function. Liver function.
Physalis Alkekengi L. fructus PHYSALIS PERUVIAN L.fructus PICRAMNIA ANTIDESMA SW. cortex cortex : digestive function . Purifying functions of the organism. Regularity of intestinal transit .
Picrasma EXCELSA Planch . cortex , cortex lignum , lignum : digestive function .
Picrasma QUASSIOIDES BENN . cortex , cortex lignum , lignum : digestive function .
Picrorhiza kurroa ROYLE radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Function digestiva.Funzione impairment. Natural defenses. Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Pimenta DIOICA (L.) MERR . fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
Pimenta RACEMOSA MOORE fructus , folium , aetheroleum fructus , folium , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. relaxation and mental well-being .
Pimpinella anisum L. fructus , fructus aetheroleum , aetheroleum : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Fluidity of secretions bronchial . Wellbeing of nose and throat.
MAJOR PIMPINELLA HUDSON radix radix : Effect balsamic . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Digestive function.
PIMPINELLA SAXIFRAGA L. herba , radix, rhizoma herba : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Digestive function. radix, rhizoma : Effect balsamic vinegar functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Wellbeing of nose and throat. function digestion.
PINCKNEYA PUBENS Michx . cortex cortex : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of sweating process .
Pinus koraiensis SIEBOLD & Zucc . semen , semen oleum , oleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . Antioxidant .
Pinus massoniana LAMB . cortex , folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect . cortex : Antioxidant .
Pinus mugo TURRA ( syn. Pinus montana Mill.) gem , gem aetheroleum , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
Pinus pinea L. cortex , semen semen : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Drainage of body fluids.
Pinus pinaster AITON cortex , folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum cortex : Antioxidant . folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
Pinus sylvestris L. cortex , folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum cortex : Antioxidant folium , bud, semen , aetheroleum : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Balsamic effect .
PIPER ANGUSTIFOLIUM Rulz - PAV . folium folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Drainage of body fluids. Functional urinary tract.
Piper cubeba L. fructus fructus : Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
PIPER LONGUM L. fructus fructus : Tonic- adaptogen . Antioxidant .
Piper nigrum L. fructus , oleoresin , oleum fructus , oleoresin , oleum : digestive function . Regularity of intestinal transit . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gas . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Antioxidant .
Pistacia vera L. fructus PISTACIA LENTlSCUS L. radix, resin resin : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
PISTACIA terebinthus L. cortex cortex : Antioxidant . Joint function . Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system .
Pisum sativum L. bacellus , fructus , semen PLANTAGO AFRA L. semen semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation the absorption of nutrients. Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids. Regularity of intestinal transit . Normal volume and stool consistency .
PLANTAGO SANDSTONE POIRET semen semen : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation the absorption of nutrients. Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Normal volume and consistency of stools .
PLANTAGO Lanceolata L. folium , herba c . floribus folium , herba c . floribus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the upper tract. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Functionality of the digestive system .
Plantago major L. folium , herba , herba c . floribus , semen folium , herba , herba c . floribus : Action emollient and soothing ( oropharyngeal mucosa ) and tone of voice. Functionality of the first airways. Functionality of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system . Drainage of body fluids. Function of the respiratory tract. Functionality of the digestive system .
Plantago media L. folium , herba folium , herba : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Functionality of the oropharyngeal mucosa .
Plantago ovata Forsk . ( Ispagul ) semen , semen tegumentum Seminis , Seminis tegumentum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids . Normal volume and texture of feces. Prebiotic effect .
PLANTAGO PSYLLIUM L.semen , tegumentum semen Seminis , Seminis tegumentum : Regularity of intestinal transit . Emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .. Modulation / limitation of nutrient absorption . Metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. Normal volume and texture of feces. Prebiotic effect .
PLATANUS ORIENTALIS L. gem Plectranthus barbatus ANDREWS ( Syn. Coleus forskohlii ) folium , radix, radix tuber , tuber : Adjust function of the cardiovascular system . Regularity of blood pressure. Functionality of the first airways. Digestive function. Balance of body weight.
PLEUROTUS Ostreatus ( Jacq. : FR . ) P. KUMM sporophorum PLUMBAGO EUROPAEA L. herba , radix Polygala L. AMARA herba c . floribus , radix radix : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Polygala vulgaris L. s. l. herba , radix radix : Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
POLYGONUM Aviculare L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Functionality of the digestive system . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract.
Polygonum bistorta L. herba , radix, rhizoma herba , radix, rhizoma : Functionality of the digestive system . Regularity of intestinal transit . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
POLYGONUM cuspidatum SIEBOLD & Zucc . radix radix : Antioxidant . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Purifying functions of the organism. Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of the menstrual cycle . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Tonic. ( Physical fatigue , mental ) .
POLYGONUM Dumetorum L. herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit .
POLYGONUM Hydropiper L. herba herba : Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle. Regularity of intestinal transit .
POLYGONUM Multiflorum Thunb . cortex , radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Antioxidant . Purifying functions of the organism. Drainage of body fluids. Tonic ( physical fatigue , mental . )
POLYGONUM Persicaria L. folium , herba herba : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Polypodium CALAGUALA RUIZ . radix, rhizoma radix, rhizoma : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. Tropism and functionality of the skin.
Polypodium Leucotomos L. rhizoma , summitas rhizoma : Functions purifying the body. Regularity of sweating process . Drainage of body fluids. tropism and functionality of the skin. summitas : Trofismo and functionality of the skin. Antioxidant .
POLYTHRICUM COMMUNE L. herba Polyporus UMBELLATUS (Pers. : FR . ) FR . ( syn grifola UMBELLATA ) sporophorum sporophorum : Natural defenses. Populus alba L. cortex , folium , bud cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
POPULUS balsamifera L. cortex , folium , bud cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
Populus nigra L. cortex , folium , bud, lignum cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
Populus tremuloides L. cortex , folium , bud cortex , folium , gem : Feature joint . Wellbeing of nose and throat. Prostate function .
PORIA COCOS F. A. WOLF sclerotia Porphyra palmata (L.) K. ( nori ) thallus thallus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
Porphyra tenera Kjellman thallus thallus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
Porphyra Umbilicalis (L.) K. ( Nori ) thallus thallus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
PORTULACA OLERACEA L. folium , herba , radix herba : Functions purifying the body. Drainage of body fluids. Digestiva.Funzione liver function .
Potentilla anserina L. herba c . floribus , rhizoma herba c . floribus , rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . The contrast of urea cycle disorders menstruation.
POTENTILLA ARGENTEA L. herba , herba c . floribus , rhizoma herba , herba c . floribus , rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast disorders the menstrual cycle.
POTENTILLA ERECTA RAUSCHEL herba , herba rhizoma , rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
POTENTILLA reptans L. rhizoma rhizoma : Regularity of intestinal transit . Functionality of the digestive system . Contrast of disorders of the menstrual cycle.
Poterium spinosum L. cortex former main root cortex former MAIN root : Metabolism of carbohydrates.
PRANGOS PABULARIA Lindl. fructus fructus : digestive function . Regulate gastrointestinal motility and elimination of gases. Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of the menstrual cycle .
Primrose ELIATOR Schreb. flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Primrose OFFlCINALIS HILL . flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Primula veris L. flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
primula vulgaris HUDS . flos , radix, rhizoma flos : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Relaxation (sleep). radix, rhizoma : Fluidity of bronchial secretions .
Protium GUIANENSE MARCH . resin resin : Natural defenses.
Protium HEPTAPHYLLUM MARCH . lignum , lignum resin , resin : digestive function . Hepatic function .. Natural defenses.
Protium ICICARIBA MARCH . resin Prunella vulgaris L. flos , folium , herba folium , herba : Wellbeing of nose and throat. Functionality of the digestive system .
Prunus armeniaca L. oleum oleum : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) .
Prunus cerasus L. Pedunculus Pedunculus : Drainage of body fluids.
Prunus domestica L. ( syn. Sorbus domestica L. ) fructus , gem fructus : Regularity of intestinal transit .
Prunus dulcis PHILIP MILLER ( syn. Prunus amygdalus Batsch ) fructus , bud, semen , oleum fructus , oleum : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Regularity of intestinal transit .
PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS L. fructus , fructus semen , semen : Antioxidant .
Prunus L. MALAHEB semen semen : Antioxidant . Natural defenses.
PRUNUS MUME fructus Prunus L. PADUS cortex cortex : Contrast of localized states of tension . Drainage of body fluids. Regularity of sweating process . Relaxation (sleep).
Prunus persica Batsch . cortex , flos , folium cortex , folium : Action emollient and soothing ( digestive system ) . Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Drainage of liquids body . flos : Drainage of body fluids. Relaxation (sleep).
Prunus serotina Ehrh . cortex , cortex folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . Functionality of the upper respiratory tract. Regularity of sweating process .
Prunus spinosa L. flos , folium , fructus , bud, Succus fructicola flos : Regularity of intestinal transit . Drainage of body fluids. Fluidity of bronchial secretions . regularity of sweating process .
PSEUDOWINTERA COLORED ( RAOUL ) DANDY cortex , cortex folium , folium : Functionality of the digestive system . Natural defenses.
Psidium araca RADDI . cortex , folium , fructus , Radix cortex , radix : Regularity of intestinal transit . Natural defenses. Functional urinary tract. folium : Fluidity of bronchial secretions . fructus : Antioxidant . Support action and tonic.
Guava L. folium folium : Regularity of intestinal transit . Regular feature of the cardiovascular system . Functionality of the upper tract.
Pterocarpus DRACO L . resin resin : Natural defenses.
Pterocarpus Erinaceus POIR . Succus inspissitus Succus inspissitus : Natural defenses dell'organis
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