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Willow Plus


19 reward points

  • Manufactured by: Cento Fiori

Quick Overview

Pack: 100 op. - 350 mg / op. Family: Salicaceae Medicinal plant Part used: bark of the branches of 2-3 years
Ingredients 190 mg powdered willow, willow extract salicin Title 3% 160 mg.
Active Phenolic glycosides: salicin, Popul..

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Pack: 100 op. - 350 mg / op. Family: Salicaceae Medicinal plant Part used: bark of the branches of 2-3 years
Ingredients 190 mg powdered willow, willow extract salicin Title 3% 160 mg.
Active Phenolic glycosides: salicin, Populin; 3-9% tannin acid in salicitannico; flavonoids isoquercitrina, naringinina.
Physiological purpose The constituents in this product are natural carriers of the physiological systems regulating cell membranes and enzyme systems for a delayed or reduced release of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins) and reduce the risk of irritation.
Use and dose Dry extract 200 - 1000 mg per day - 1 - 2 capsules 2-3 times daily
Notes Deprecated allergic to salicylates, for the presence of tannins may cause gastrointestinal disturbances. Ascolta Trascrizione fonetica Dizionario - Visualizza dizionario dettagliato
