Golden Eagle Classic Herbal Tobacco Limited Edition In a special package our exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. A Production of La Spiga and Il Girasole © after a careful study of the plants, to Create a Tobacco with Herbs Without Nicotine. All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or from spontaneous collection. A vali..
Cigarette and Tobacco Herb

Alternative with traditional natural herbs, such as clover, dandelion, elderberry and other herbs used by the ancient American Indians. Technical product that can be used as herbs to perfume the environment and Aromatic Fumigations in Ayurveda.
All products are intended for research and development, technical use or collectibles only. Do not swallow. Keep out of reach of children. Sale to children under 18 is prohibited.

Golden Eagle Organic, Nirbelo, Nirdosh, Knaster and Mellow Yellow Herbal Tobacco, Real Leaf, Bobby Green, Bear Blend.

Golden Eagle Brown Herbal Cigarettes
Golden Eagle Brown Herbal Cigarettes Herbal Cigarettes Without Tobacco and Without Nicotine. Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. The scent emitted is pleasant and does not disturb. All the plant herbs that make up the mixture are organic or wild-harvested. A Valid Alternative. They are used for room fragrances and aromatic fumigati..

Golden Eagle Carmagnola Herbal Tobacco Blends
Golden Eagle Carmagnola Hemp An Exclusive Blend of Plants with an Inimitable Taste. All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or spontaneously harvested. A Valid Alternative. Ingredients: Verbascum), (Trifolium pratens), (Urtica Dionica), (Ribes Nigrum), (Tumera Diffusa), (Canapa Sativa L.). Packaging Sealed freshness-saving package. Net..

Golden Eagle Classic Cigarettes Herbal
Golden Eagle Classic Herbal Cigarettes Herbal Cigarettes Without Tobacco and Without Nicotine. Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. The scent emitted is pleasant and does not disturb. All the plant herbs that make up the mixture are organic or wild-harvested. A Valid Alternative. They are used for room fragrances and aromatic fumiga..

Golden Eagle Classic Herbal Tobacco Blends
Golden Eagle Classic Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or spontaneously harvested. A Valid Alternative. Ingredients: (Verbascum), (Trifolium pratens), (Urtica Dionica), (Tumera Diffusa), (Ribes Nigrum). Packaging Sealed freshness-saving package. Net Content 30gr...

Golden Eagle Damiana Herbal Tobacco Blends
Golden Eagle Damiana Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or spontaneously harvested, with an extra addition of Damiana, a plant rich in essential oils. A Valid Alternative. Ingredients: (Tumera Diffusa), (Verbascum), (Trifolium pratens), Nettle (Urtica Dionica), (Ribes Nigrum). Pa..

Golden Eagle Finola Herbal Tobacco Blends
Golden Eagle Finola Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or spontaneously harvested, with aroma and taste with a light citrus scent. A Valid Alternative. Ingredients: (Verbascum), (Trifolium pratens), (Urtica Dionica), (Ribes Nigrum), (Tumera Diffusa), (Canapa Sativa L.). Packaging..

Golden Eagle Futura Herbal Tobacco Blends
Golden Eagle Futura Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or spontaneously harvested, with an unmistakable flavour. Perfume reminiscent of lemon. A Valid Alternative. Ingredients: (Verbascum), (Trifolium pratens), (Urtica Dionica), (Ribes Nigrum), (Tumera Diffusa), (Canapa Sativa L...

Golden Eagle Kompolti Herbal Tobacco Blends
Golden Eagle Kompolti Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or spontaneously harvested, with a herbaceous scent and a fresh and pleasant flavour. A Valid Alternative. Ingredients: (Verbascum), (Trifolium pratens), (Urtica Dionica), (Ribes Nigrum), (Tumera Diffusa), (Canapa Sativa L...

Golden Eagle Lavender Herbal Tobacco Blends
Golden Eagle Lavender All the plants that make up the mixture are organic or spontaneously harvested. With Lavender, a plant rich in essential oils, known for its relaxing and calming properties. A Valid Alternative. Exclusive blend of plants with an inimitable taste. Ingredients: (Verbascum), (Trifolium pratens), (Urtica Dionica), (Ribes Nigrum),..
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