Plants in Capsules


The Plus line is made by mixing the powder dry extract of the same plant . The extracts are dried powdered preparations , more or less agglomerated , obtained by total evaporation of liquid extraction . Origin are more liquid preparations ( fluid extracts ) or intermediate consistency ( soft extract ) is used as a solvent (usually the title alcool appropriate) to facilitate the extraction of the active drug . Obviously the type of solvent used and the processing technique to encourage the concentration of substances varies from plant to plant . What remains is the fundamental guarantee that the merger should be performed with suitable procedures , usually at reduced pressure and a temperature at which the deterioration of assets is minimal. The dry extract is taken to the title prescribed by appropriate inert substances (A. Brown : General and Applied Pharmacognosy , Piccin Ed .)

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Warning: The news, information and anything shown on these pages are indicative and are provided for informational purposes only and not medical. In case of problems related to your health please contact a specialist. Making self-care and self, without first advice of a professional can be dangerous.

Turmeric Plus

Turmeric Plus


Turmeric Curcuma longa Traduzione da Italiano verso Inglese Family: Zingiberaceae Medicinal plant Part used: rhizome Ingredients Extract standardized to 95% curcuminoids (curcumin, and demetossicurcumina bisdemetossicurcumina) ciclocurcumina; turmenolo b; tumerina; polysaccharides. Active Curcuminoids (curcumin, and demetossicurcumina bisdemetos..

Uncaria Plus

Uncaria Plus


Uncaria Family: Rubiaceae Part used: Bark Paking: 100 Capsules Ingredients Uncaria tomentosa powder 240 mg dry extract Uncaria tomentosa total alkaloids ossindolici 1% 160 mg. Active Ossindolici pentacyclic alkaloids (isopteropodina, pteropodina, isomitrafillina, mitrafillina, rincofillina, isorincofillina) glycosides of chinovico; polyphenols (e..

Valerian Plus

Valerian Plus


Valerian Plus Valerian Pack: 100 op. - 400 mg / op. Family: Valerianaceae Part used: rhizome root Ingredients Powder 240 mg Valeriana officinalis, Valerian officinalis dry valerenici 0.43% acid 160 mg. Active Essential oil (0.5-1.5%), bornyl acetate, the isovalerate,, caryophyllene, alpha and beta pinene, valerenale, valerenico acid, etc. .. eug..

Vegetal Carbon

Vegetal Carbon


VEGETABLE CARBON COMPRESSED 100 op. - 500 mg / op PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT: Active carbon contributes to the reduction of excessive postnatal flatulence. The beneficial effect is obtained by taking 1 gram at least 30 minutes of meal first and 1 gram immediately after meal...

Wild Rose Piu

Wild Rose Piu


Wild Rose Piu Rose Hips Family: Rosaceae Medicinal plants, food Part used: fruit ( seedless cinorroidi ) Active ingredients: Vitamin C (0.3 % - 1.7) , organic acids ( ascorbic , malic , citric ), pectin , tannins , carotenoids (beta - carotene, lycopene ) , traces of flavonoids and anthocyanins . Packaging: 100 op. - 550 mg / op physiological pu..

Willow Plus

Willow Plus


WILLOW Pack: 100 op. - 350 mg / op. Family: Salicaceae Medicinal plant Part used: bark of the branches of 2-3 years Ingredients 190 mg powdered willow, willow extract salicin Title 3% 160 mg. Active Phenolic glycosides: salicin, Populin; 3-9% tannin acid in salicitannico; flavonoids isoquercitrina, naringinina. Physiological purpose The constitue..

Withania Plus

Withania Plus


Withania Pack: 100 op. - 450 mg / op. Family: Solanaceae Ashwagandha o Withania somnifera, Traditional Ayurvedic medicinal plant Part used: root Ingredients Whitania s. extract titrated in 1% total alkaloids-withanolides 1.9%, 350 mg. Active Steroidal lactones: withanolides (withanolides abcdef etc. ..), sitoindosidi, withaferina, withaferinile, ..

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