Spirulina Cento Fiori SPIRULINA Spirulina maxima Pack: 100 op. - 400 mg / op. Family: Oscillatoriacee E 'blue-green alga, native to Central America, Central Africa, spirulina contains no iodine, long used as food by the people of Africa and Mexico...
Plants in Capsules

The Plus line is made by mixing the powder dry extract of the same plant . The extracts are dried powdered preparations , more or less agglomerated , obtained by total evaporation of liquid extraction . Origin are more liquid preparations ( fluid extracts ) or intermediate consistency ( soft extract ) is used as a solvent (usually the title alcool appropriate) to facilitate the extraction of the active drug . Obviously the type of solvent used and the processing technique to encourage the concentration of substances varies from plant to plant . What remains is the fundamental guarantee that the merger should be performed with suitable procedures , usually at reduced pressure and a temperature at which the deterioration of assets is minimal. The dry extract is taken to the title prescribed by appropriate inert substances (A. Brown : General and Applied Pharmacognosy , Piccin Ed .)
Warning: The news, information and anything shown on these pages are indicative and are provided for informational purposes only and not medical. In case of problems related to your health please contact a specialist. Making self-care and self, without first advice of a professional can be dangerous.

Spirulina Cento Fiori 200 Cps
Spirulina Cento Fiori 200 Capsules SPIRULINA Spirulina maxima Pack: 200 op. - 400 mg / op. Family: Oscillatoriacee E 'blue-green alga, native to Central America, Central Africa, spirulina contains no iodine, long used as food by the people of Africa and Mexico...

Spirulina Plus Cultivated in Italy
Plus Spirulina cultivated in Italy SPIRULINA Spirulina maxima Setch et Gamer Alga Whole Powder 83% Package: 100 op. - 440 mg / op. Family: Oscillatoriacee And 'blue-green algae, native to Central America, Central Africa, Spirulina does not contain iodine, long used as food from African and Mexican populations. Recommended dose: 2 capsules 3 time..

Swamp Cranberry
CRANBERRY MARSH (Vaccinium macrocarpon) Cranberry juice (juice of the fruit dried whole) 300 mg rice starch 50 mg Confezioneda: 100 op. - 350 mg / op PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT: Drainage of body liquids and function of urinary tracts. Antioxidant. How to use: 2 capsules 2-3 times a day between meals...

Tabebuia Plus
Tabebuia Plus avelanaeadea Tecoma curialis Family: Bignoniaceae Medicinal plant Part used: Bark Pack 100 op. - 400 mg / op. Tecoma curialis (bark) powder 240 mg Tecoma curialis (bark) 160 mg dry extract (3% naphthoquinone) Active The most important constituents are 18 different quinones, including both naphthoquinones that anthraquinones, which ar..

Te Green Plus
The' Green Plus TE GREEN Pack: 100 op. - 400 mg / op. Camellia sinensis powder 240 mg Camellia sinensis dry extract 160 mg (80% total polyphenols) Ascolta Trascrizione foneticaDizionario - Visualizza dizionario dettagliato..

Thistle PLUS
thistle PLUS Package : 100 op. - 500 mg / op . info thistle Silybum marianum (fruit ) dry extract 500 mg (2% silymarin )..

Tribulus Plus
Tribulus Plus tribulus Tribulus Terrestris bottle: 100 op. - 300 mg / op. Family: Zygophyllaceae Medicinal plant Used parts: fruits, arils, seeds Ingredients Tribulus terrestris dry extract 20% Saponins 300 mg Active Steroidal saponins (dioscina, gracillina, terrestrosine, tribulosina etc. ..), sapogenins, three flavone glycosides, alkaloids (Ar..

Turmeric Phyto Plus
TURMERIC PHYTO PLUS Pack: 100 mg PSC 500 Ingredients: Turmeric phytosome (20% curcumin) 250 mg, 250 mg turmeric powder Bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose Physiological effect: It helps the liver and digestive functions. Joint function. antioxidant Recommended dose: 2 capsules twice a day Content per daily dose: Phytosome Turmeric curcumin d..

Turmeric Phyto Plus 200 Cps
TURMERIC PHYTO PLUS 200 Capsules Pack: 200 Cps 500mg Ingredients: Turmeric phytosome (20% curcumin) 250 mg, 250 mg turmeric powder Bulking agent: microcrystalline cellulose Physiological effect: It helps the liver and digestive functions. Joint function. antioxidant Recommended dose: 2 capsules twice a day Content per daily dose: Phytosome Turmeri..
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